WE DID IT!!! Today our Park Group was officially established and a committee of local people elected.
The Original Post:
In response to the recent St Georges Park letter in the Evening Post, dated 11th June 2007.
I would like to inform this new resident of St George and bring your readers up to date.
Around a year ago, being of a similar opinion to your writer I began a survey which included the views and requests of all users including the kids who use the skate park, the elderly and families with young children. There was a excellent response and so I called a public meeting at the Beehive Centre in St George in October last year.
Around one hundred people attended including the parks officer Richard Fletcher to whom I publicly handed the response to our survey.
We were told of the many other parks that had organised themselves and found sources of funds ranging up to £100,000 in one year.
It is clear why our park is in such a state under the stewardship of our local Councillors. Although they attended without identifying themselves. In regards to our plan to set up a friends of St Georges Park Group they told us that we were "trying to reinvent the wheel".
Unfortunately the Council officer felt it was a good idea to waste more time and our money with a further survey which revealed the same views as the original.
I thought that having the councils support would help, but so far it has only managed to slow down proceedings. (Of course there was the recent sensitive tree felling program and maybe they wanted us out of the way for that.)
Until the group has been officially established, we are unable to access any of the available funds charitable or otherwise.
May I say in direct response to your readers letter that both surveys echoed the writers sentiments. All the issues raised are high on the priority list amongst local residents as are a better play area, lighting, seating and the reinstatement of the railings for the improved look and security of our park among many other things.
Anyone interested in helping to steer this group or support it in any manner is welcome. Please call me on 07867971717 if you would like to get involved.
Thanks EP for highlighting our park. We would like to present our park to you in the future in a far better light.
Angelo Agathangelou
Recent Conservative City Council Candidate
for St George West