22 May 2016

Macrobius’s Saturnalia Shows Social Constraints On Men’s Behavior

: In Rome about the year 431, the Right Honorable and Illustrious Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius wrote a series of books for his son. With these books,  father offered son “a fund of knowledge {scientiae supellex},” an “accumulation of things worth knowing” {noscendorum congerium pollicetur}.” Macrobius didn’t merely heap together bits of ancient knowledge. He subtly ordered them, blended them, and digested them so that they would provide zest in learning and harmony of understanding.[1] Such transmission of knowledge was vitally important for men in fifth-century Rome, just as it is for men today.
For dessert after a banquet of knowledge, Macrobius arranged a series of jests. Macrobius’s concern for verecundia (modesty, discretion, and decorum) prevented him from discussing directly important aspects of gender under gynocentric society.[2] Jests provide an opportunity for communicating aspects of reality not otherwise discussable.

Trans Central Station

Join Paul and Zander Keig, Theryn Myer and Blaire White for an in-depth discussion of the emerging transgender political movement and how it impacts the dialogue about men and boys.
The news cycle has been alive lately with transgender issues. President Obama threatened to withhold funding from schools who don’t allow people to use restrooms according to their gender identity and half of what passes for conservative America reacted by showing how much they hate and fear men.

Mike Buchanan Defends The Right Of Muirfield Golf Club To Not Admit Women Members

On 19 May, the results of a ballot of the members of Muirfield golf course, a prestigious golf course in Scotland, were made public. Our blog piece on the matter, published the same day:
The ballot asked if members wished to allow women to become members for the first time, and while 64% voted for the proposition, the vote was slightly short of the 67% required for the required change to the club's constitution.
'the BBC's view of the matter was evident from the leading question'

Being A Goy In The Jewish State

By Gilad Atzmon: Haaretz reported today that "Israeli Death Penalty for Terrorists Won’t Apply to Jews."
The death penalty for murder in a 'terror act' that incoming Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman seeks will only apply to military courts, said a Likud source involved in the talks to bring Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu party into the governing coalition.
Such a move, which Lieberman demands if his party is to join the government, would effectively exclude its application against Jews. Palestinians accused of terror offenses are prosecuted in Israeli military courts, while Jews charged with similar crimes against Palestinians are usually tried in Israeli civilian courts, noted the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The meaning of it is simple. Though Jews are not a race, Jewish politics  (left, right and centre) is always racist to the core. Source

"I Am Not Your Experiment" - Thousands Around The World Protest GMO Giant MonSatan AKA Monsanto

A little over a year ago, GMO giant Monsanto was furious at the World Health Organization for linking glypshophate, the chief ingredient in weed killer Roundup, to cancer.  As a result Monsanto immediately demanded that WHO retract said report, saying that the report was biased and contradicts regulatory findings that the ingredient, glyphosate, is safe when used as labeled.

The Return Of Bubba

Max and Stacy discuss the return of 'Bubba' - aka President Bill Clinton - as Hillary's 'coal gaffe' loses her votes in Appalachia.

#MessageToFeminists Challenge Extended

DoctorRandomercam said. "Feminists, are you scared yet? You tried ignoring us, you tried laughing at us, its up to you what happens between now and when we win. Buckle up buckaroos."

The Next Globalist Corporate Takeover Explained In 2min

WeAreChange: In this video we have a surprize guest post from "Understanding More" a spoken word artists who under 2 min explains the globalist corporate takeover that is the TPP. With the trade deal being shrouded in mystery benefiting primarily the elite, it's only the alternative media that has been keeping the public aware of the crave changes that will be enacted from the TPP.