If Americans Knew: A thought-provoking and powerful 2006 documentary film on the current and historical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and U.S. political involvement.
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
4 Nov 2021
Goy's Guide To Keeping Kosher
Ex Jew Nathanael: The talmudic anti-Gentile, anti-Christian kosher scam and kosher tax are abound. Garland is a snake, and unclean too!
"Goyim" and "Shiksas" are racist derogatory terms like "niggers" and "gigaboos" that The Jews use to refer to all Gentile people [non-Jews].
Think We're Heading To Dystopia? WATCH THIS!!!
Russell Brand: A robotics firm has unveiled its latest invention: Grace, a humanoid robot nurse that is designed to "revolutionize healthcare".
Exposing The CREEPY “Child Protection” Organization: ‘Prostasia’
Shoe0nHead: We hate it here don't we, folks?
“You Will OWN NOTHING And You Will Be HAPPY EATING INSECTS” - Douglas Kruger Debunks Great Reset
"There is no such thing as personal human rights without property ownership." George Washington.
Douglas Kruger: The Centre for Risk Analysis interviews Douglas Kruger, author of 'Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good' and 'Poverty Proof,' on why communal ownership is not a viable prospect for human flourishing: 'Someone ultimately owns, and therein lies the con.'
Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America
ERs are swamped... but not with COVID cases...the main things that are being treated include “blood clots” and “heart conditions”…