By : De-Facto Masculinity
Feminism is bullcrap because
feminists don’t practice it. People talk about the bright side of
ideological feminism, which is this vague, airy-fairy notion of
‘equality’ that is supposed to evoke warm, fuzzy feelings out of people.
Ideological feminism never matches up with practical feminism, which is
a perpetual victim narrative where women will always be in some
conquered state under the Patriarchy.
When they see me, men and women behave differently towards me because they see a man. They will address me like a child, nor will not address me as a woman. This behavior is not wrong, offensive, or inappropriate. Going from there, asking me to treat women differently “because feminism” is about as dumb as asking women to go out of their way to interpret my behavior as something other than masculine, “because feminism”. It’s never going to happen, and honestly, it would feel odd if someone tried.
“Identifying love with expressing feelings is biased towards the way women prefer to behave in a loving relationship… Both scholars and the general public continue to use a feminized definition of love… Part of the reason that men seem so much less loving than women is that men’s behaviour is measured with a female ruler.”1
—Francesca M. Cancian in her 1987 book Love in America: Gender and Self-Development

When they see me, men and women behave differently towards me because they see a man. They will address me like a child, nor will not address me as a woman. This behavior is not wrong, offensive, or inappropriate. Going from there, asking me to treat women differently “because feminism” is about as dumb as asking women to go out of their way to interpret my behavior as something other than masculine, “because feminism”. It’s never going to happen, and honestly, it would feel odd if someone tried.