Red Sky at Night, Sailors Delight,
Red Sky in the Morning, Sailors take Warning!
We have a new era dawning in Global Monetary policy. It is a new day with the monetary skies already red.
90 days the captains of monetary policy have steered the world into
uncharted waters and on a course that history warns us against.
Federal Reserve: QE3 "Unlimited" and QE4 within 90 days,
ECB: OMT "Uncapped",
BOJ: QE 10 and the newly elected Prime Minister Abe's mandate for "Inflation at any cost"
BOE: UK's newly appointed BOE Governor, Mark Carney's Monetary Evan Rule targeting.
untested and newly commissioned captains all have PhD's from the finest
Economic schools in the world, but they clearly have not studied nor
grasped the key lessons of history.
following lessons, in the following sequence, should resonate with all
who are clearly watching, listening and paying attention to what is
going on around them, and not what the press 'conjures up' and the
political apparatus 'spins'.
1- It starts with LIVING WITHIN OUR MEANS.