We had a fairly satisfactory meeting with Mr Steven Bird of the highways department. Mr Bird was kind enough to help put things into perspective. I have to spend some times with my Dictaphone but I promise to post a more thorough update soon.
Broadly Mr Bird conveyed the good news that there would be no speed sofas on Church Road and that we would be getting satellite controlled bus time information at our stops and via SMS on our phones!
Are these the sweeteners?
So far Mr Bird has been very kind and we applaud him. He has promised to communicate with me and I hope to receive a schedule of works and procedures soon.
So for the moment, it seems that our voices are being heard if we bother and we should stop whinging. All we need to do is enter the debate with our Mr Bird who says that his agenda is only the laudable one of encouraging environmentally friendly transport.
Makes me glad I didn't show him plan B, 'NO 24 Hour Bus Lane!'
Feel free to print our poster and display it if you live or work along the bus route or will be affected by the proposed alterations.
Let us talk of upgraded parking behind our high street and what this could mean for the improvement of our derelict lanes along this route and so on. Suggestions anyone?
Lets ask him for a tram! ;-)
UPDATE: 31st of October 2006
Have you got the hump? Residents of St. George West have, over the councils (increasingly sneaky looking) plans to impose unnecessary speed humps as part of the so called "showcase bus route", speed humps which mysteriously do not appear on their original plans but which are being advertised on your nearest lamppost!
Now, as we go to press, residents of QUEENS ROAD and THE AVENUE are worried that they will have a speed hump or humps imposed on them as part of speed restrictions resulting from the proposed alterations.
We say, "NO BUS LANE THROUGH ST.GEORGE!" Go into the advice shop on Church Rd opposite Tescos, tell the council what you think. Put up a "No 24 hr" or "No Peak Hr bus lane" poster in your window. Sign our petition in local shops or by sending your name and address to my e-mail (top right of this site). Come to the council house on Tuesday December 5th at 2pm to tell the councillors imposing this on us exactly how you feel. (Contact me and I will advise you how to do this.)
Update 14th of November 2006
Feel free to print out our petition and canvass for signatures. Please return any signatures before December the 5th