Canadian Association for Equality: SFU Advocacy For Men & Boys hosting a special event on the subject of intimate partner violence and the societal blindness to male victimhood in this area. Speakers include Michael Healey (DV Survivor) and Dr. Alexandra Lysova (Assistant Prof at SFU Criminology)
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
27 Oct 2016
Don’t Let Censorship Win! The Red Pill Movie Will Be Shown In Melbourne!
MHRA MP Philip Davies Asks What Plans There Are To Commemorate International Men’s Day
By Mike Buchanan: Ally Fogg, a feminist commentator on gender matters, published a piece on this matter today. He makes a few good points – that makes a change – but then descends into predictable feminist ideology. The second sentence:
For sheer idiocy, this takes some beating:Philip Davies (yes, him again, I know) [My emphasis. Fogg is sneering at one of only two MPs among 650 – both Conservatives – who ever speak up for the human rights of men and boys. The other is Karl McCartney (C, Lincoln)] placed a question to the Women and Equalities ministerial team, asking how the government planned to mark International Men’s Day this year.
Here’s the thing about men. As a gender (relatively speaking and globally) we have a lot of power. We have a lot of platforms. We often have loud voices. But as every mental health professional will tell you, as every doctor will tell you, as more than a few wives and girlfriends will tell you, one thing men tend to be absolutely terrible at is speaking about our own problems, admitting to our own vulnerabilities, confessing our own weaknesses. This is true of men as individuals and it is equally true of men as a gender.
The Launch Of AVFM Finland - The Voice Of Europe
Mike Buchanan Interviews 'Moby', Network4Men
Tokyo Condo Market Ponzi And Observations On US Elections
Don't Diss The Dark Ages

Once dissed as The Dark Ages, the Medieval Era is more properly viewed as a successful adaptation to the challenges of the post-Western Roman Empire era. The decline of the Western Roman Empire was the result of a constellation of challenges, including (but not limited to) massive new incursions of powerful Germanic tribes, a widening chasm between the Western and the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium), plague, an onerous tax burden on the non-elite classes, weak leadership, the dominance of a self-serving elite (sound familiar?) and last but not least, the expansion of an unproductive rabble in Rome that had to be bribed with increasingly costly Bread and Circuses.
In effect, The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire ran out of time and money. The Grand Strategy, successful for hundreds of years, relied heavily on persuading "barbarian" tribes to join the Roman system for the commercial and security benefits. This process of integration worked because it was backed by the threat of destruction by military force.
"The Greater Israel Plan" Called Out & Ignored
Zionist Report: Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst, calls out the "Greater Israel Plan," and is shamelessly ignored by all the guests on RT's Cross Talk. In fact, they avoid it completely. The policy of the Kremlin is clear: don't talk about this topic.
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