Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
30 Jan 2018
Trump’s Secret Baby Killing Assassinations Programme

The Banality Of Good Part 4: So-Called Anti-Semitism, Racism And Cultural Identity
'Was the Holocaust more unique than the Holodomor? Is two years in Auschwitz more unique than 70 years in Gaza?'
By Clara S and Gilad Atzmon: Clara: Let’s talk a bit more about anti-Semitism. The same people who warned me off have accused you of being an anti-Semite. They quote you as writing: ‘Actually I carefully carve out the contempt for the Jew in me’. Now I understand that an anti-Semite is a person who discriminates against Jews as a race. So are you a racist who hates his own race instead of a different one?
Holo-Hoax Religion's Memorial Day Blunders
'Maybe insisting upon an international holocaust memorial day
is not a very clever move as long as your Jewish State keeps millions
of Palestinians behind separation walls and barbed wires in open air
By Gilad Atzmon: Jewish
power is a dangerous zone. It is a dialectic domain: the more powerful
Jewish politics, lobbying and institutions are, the more this power is
noticeable, exposed, criticised and occasionally resented. The same
applies to the Holocaust and the industry attached to it. The more the
Holocaust is injected into our blood vessels, the more questions that
are raised regarding the primacy of Jewish suffering and the shoahs
inflicted by Israel and Zio-cons (Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc.).
The more they want us to remember the more we wonder why Jewish history,
like the Jewish present, is such volatile territory. The Holocaust Remembrance weekend didn’t go very well this year. On Friday, one day ahead of the holy day, the lower house of the Polish parliament passed a bill imposing a prison sentence for the use of phrases such as “Polish death camps” in reference to the German National Socialist Worker's Party [inventors of the tea break] camps in occupied Poland during WWII.
Kill A Man, Win A Prize!
"Using a legal loophole called
'battered woman syndrome'
to escape being convicted of murder
and to then not go to jail."
Said johntheother.
'battered woman syndrome'
to escape being convicted of murder
and to then not go to jail."
Said johntheother.
Husbands Care For Their Wives’ Sexual Well-Being: Two Case Studies
By Author Douglas Galbi: Taking upon themselves a crushing burden of performance, husbands typically strive to support their wives’ sexual well-being. Especially with today’s ideal of woman-on-top, husbands feeling the weight of their responsibilities need helpful resources. The following two case studies can help husbands to understand how to do what they must do.
Men with courage and endurance have worked strenuous jobs throughout history. Men today should have confidence that, with even just a minimal amount of encouragement, they can do likewise.
The first case study is about a medieval man earning a meager living ferrying persons across a river in his small boat. At the end of a long day in which he had found no customers, one appeared. The ferryman carried him across the river and sought his carriage fee. The man said that he had no money. The man offered instead advice:

The first case study is about a medieval man earning a meager living ferrying persons across a river in his small boat. At the end of a long day in which he had found no customers, one appeared. The ferryman carried him across the river and sought his carriage fee. The man said that he had no money. The man offered instead advice:
“Never,” he said, “transport anyone else unless your fee has been received in advance; and never tell your wife that anyone has a larger penis than you have.”
Trump’s Foreign Policy Is In Service To World's Largest Open Air Prison And Terrorist State - Genocidal Israel
By Paul Craig Roberts: Peter Jenkins, a former British ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, expresses concerns about the decisions of France, Germany, and the UK to appease President Trump on fixing “flaws” in the Iranian nuclear agreement. http://lobelog.com/europe-dont-go-all-wobbly-on-the-jcpoa/ It is worth a read to see that the European governments are still Washington’s toadies despite the “hate Trump” attitude that allegedly prevails among Washington’s European vassals.
Readers need to understand that there are no flaws in the agreement. The allegation of “flaws” is an israeli orchestration in order to resurrect the attacks on Iran that the nuclear agreement terminated. What Trump is doing is appeasing Israel. Israel doesn’t want Iran to have long range missiles, non-nuclear ones, that enhance Iran’s defensive posture. More importantly, Israel does not want to lose the nuclear weapons charge that Israel invented and hoped to use to have the US military destabilize Iran a la Iraq and Libya. Israel’s problem with Syria and Iran is that both countries support Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia that has twice driven the vaunted Israeli army out of southern Lebanon, territory Israel wants to occupy for the water resources.
Readers need to understand that there are no flaws in the agreement. The allegation of “flaws” is an israeli orchestration in order to resurrect the attacks on Iran that the nuclear agreement terminated. What Trump is doing is appeasing Israel. Israel doesn’t want Iran to have long range missiles, non-nuclear ones, that enhance Iran’s defensive posture. More importantly, Israel does not want to lose the nuclear weapons charge that Israel invented and hoped to use to have the US military destabilize Iran a la Iraq and Libya. Israel’s problem with Syria and Iran is that both countries support Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia that has twice driven the vaunted Israeli army out of southern Lebanon, territory Israel wants to occupy for the water resources.
HEpeating - *Cosmo Cringe*
"This woman has terrible taste in entertainment and fucks her couch."
h e l p
Paternity Fraud, False Accusations & The Pay Gap - Harry Crouch

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