By William Collins: Quoting from the web site of the Drive Project, “Drive is an intensive intervention that works with high-harm and serial perpetrators to challenge behaviour and prevent abuse.A few years ago I wrote a review of domestic abuse perpetrator programmes, UK DV Perpetrator Programmes – Part 1.
Drive is a new one. In December 2019, the University of Bristol
published their evaluation of a three-year pilot of Drive. This 189 page
evaluation, led by Marianne Hester, can be found here, with a executive summary here. It is claimed to be, “the
largest evaluation of a perpetrator intervention ever carried out in
the UK, and the largest with a randomised control design”. In this article I deconstruct this evaluation. I hope the reader will be patient as it is necessary to go into
details. Documents of this sort are cleverly scripted. Penetrating the
façade to expose the reality beneath requires some labour. Let me give
you the punchline: the claimed benefits of Drive are fraudulent.
"All our exercises are aimed at [preparing for]actual combat,”
By Tyler Durden: China has conducted massive aerial drills over the South China Sea at a moment of all-time high tensions with the United States. Described as air combat readiness exercises, regional media details that three of China's five main military regions are active as part of the drills. It comes on the heels of even larger exercises off the Leizhou Peninsula in southern China which wrapped up days ago. “Our aim is not to push the limit or break a record. All our exercises are aimed at [preparing for] actual combat,” a state media video said of the drills, which lasted over ten hours. The aircraft made use of some of its man-made islands which have been at center of controversy with regional allies of the US, given the artificial land masses have been used to expand China's maritime claims over the whole area.
“The investments in companies upholding [Jewish] Israel’s apartheid regime should have never existed in the first place,” said activist Huda Ammori. “University of Manchester divesting from complicit companies shows the power of the grassroots student movement to hold our institutions to account.”
By Asa Winstanley: The University of Manchester has divested more than $5 million from Caterpillar and the parent company of travel site Activists on Monday said it was “a colossal win for the Palestine solidarity movement in Britain” and a “watershed moment.” The university has been a focus for campaigners since 2016 due to its investments in firms complicit in the Jewish Israeli occupation of Gentile Palestinian land.
'An Upper West Side public school that keeps its admission process shrouded in mystery and is attended almost exclusively by the children of affluent Jewish and white leftists like Samantha Bee and Cynthia Nixon was able to use legal jujitsu to win an exemption for itself from a recent citywide integration program.'
By Eric Striker: Wealthy suburban whites may put Black Lives Matter signs on their lawn, but that doesn’t mean they want blacks in their children’s school.
The Donald Trump campaign’s naked racial appeal to white professionals to keep blacks out of their suburbs has been received with discomfort and feigned outrage by Jewish media taste makers. Polls show that affluent whites have views on race and culture to the hard left of blacks, so why would Trump think this is a good idea?
The animal instinct to protect one’s children transcends education, class and ideology.
It causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand with a pin prick, on the mobile phone with an app and with a mask on the head/acrylic screen in their face, 17so that no one can buy or sell who does not have the marks, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18This calls for wisdom: let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person. Its number is six hundred sixty-six, ...the houses of parliament. - The Second Beast, Revelations 13, Christian Bible.