Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
20 Oct 2014
Grass Eaters Become Cock Eaters - A Sack Of Blood
Fascism: It’s Not Just Spying - How The US NSA Has Turned Into A Giant Profit Center For Corrupt Insiders
Dear NSA Employees, You Now Have a Green Light to Loot and Pillage. It’s Time to Get Paid:
By Michael Krieger: Are you just another one of those frustrated NSA employees who feels that unconstitutionally spying on your fellow citizenry under false pretenses isn’t giving you same thrill it once did? If so, have no fear.
Are you are sick and tired of having to spilt your precious working hours defending the destruction of our nation’s founding document to those pesky terroristic media dinosaurs who still think investigative journalism belongs in Amerika? If so, have I got a solution for you.
While it may sound too good to be true, trust me it’s not. You see, in recent years almost all crony-capitalist criminal activities have been deemed legal in the land of the free (to pillage). This incredible opportunity allows you to directly leverage your intelligence skill-set to earn the big bucks you know you’ve always deserved. You can now do just that by working in the private sector without having to give up that cushy government day job! I mean if we’re going to have this banana republic thing going we may as well GET PAID. Am I right?
Keep at it patriots,
Michael Krieger
If the above sounds like a joke, unfortunately it is not. Last week, two very important stories came out; one from Reuters and the other from Buzzfeed. They both zero in on how current NSA employees are using their expertise and connections to make big money in the private sector while still working at the NSA. Let’s start with the Reuters story, which covers former NSA-head Keith Alexander’s business relationship with the NSA’s current Chief Technical Officer, Patrick Dowd.
By Michael Krieger: Are you just another one of those frustrated NSA employees who feels that unconstitutionally spying on your fellow citizenry under false pretenses isn’t giving you same thrill it once did? If so, have no fear.
Are you are sick and tired of having to spilt your precious working hours defending the destruction of our nation’s founding document to those pesky terroristic media dinosaurs who still think investigative journalism belongs in Amerika? If so, have I got a solution for you.
While it may sound too good to be true, trust me it’s not. You see, in recent years almost all crony-capitalist criminal activities have been deemed legal in the land of the free (to pillage). This incredible opportunity allows you to directly leverage your intelligence skill-set to earn the big bucks you know you’ve always deserved. You can now do just that by working in the private sector without having to give up that cushy government day job! I mean if we’re going to have this banana republic thing going we may as well GET PAID. Am I right?

If the above sounds like a joke, unfortunately it is not. Last week, two very important stories came out; one from Reuters and the other from Buzzfeed. They both zero in on how current NSA employees are using their expertise and connections to make big money in the private sector while still working at the NSA. Let’s start with the Reuters story, which covers former NSA-head Keith Alexander’s business relationship with the NSA’s current Chief Technical Officer, Patrick Dowd.
ISIS, WW3 & The NWO's Grand Chessboard Of LIES - Celente
Living The Grecovery Dream: Two Jobless Parents, Two Kids, One Cat All Living In A Car

Good Morning JSIL: President Says Israeli Society Sick With Violence

“It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is sick – and it is our duty to treat this disease,” Rivlin told the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities at a xenophobia conference on Sunday in Jerusalem.
“The tension between Jews and Arabs within the State of Israel has risen to record heights, and the relationship between all parties has reached a new low,” he said, as cited by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
“We have all witnessed the shocking sequence of incidents and violence taking place by both sides. The epidemic of violence is not limited to one sector or another, it permeates every area and doesn’t skip any arena. There is violence in soccer stadiums as well as in academia. There is violence in social media and in everyday discourse, in hospitals and in schools.”
Extremist US Cops Spike Strip Stop Reported Woman In Labor, Point Guns At Her And Husband
Protestors Begin Occupation of London - Poll Shows Only 1 in 4 Britons Trusts Their MPs - MPs Not Twigging "On A Different Planet"
The group said that a separate survey found that 86 percent of MPs believed they were trusted by their voters.
David Babbs, the executive director of 38 Degrees said the two polls, commissioned by the campaign group, show that British politicians were on a “different planet.”
“These figures are proof that the public’s trust in politicians has reached crisis point. MPs don’t just speak a different language – they’re on a different planet to the rest of us,” said Babbs.
A Voice for Men Special from US KraSU with Sage Gerard
Feminist smear campaigns were waged against him there; campaigns which included the direct participation of at least two KSU professors. Anonymous emails containing gross disinformation about AVfM weres taken as empirical proof with no investigation whatsoever.
"TradFems, gynocentric modes of thought. ...WAF ...Why women are rejecting marriage? Women are generally and historically selfish." bar bar
Narcissistic Woman - IHOW
By Dr. Tara J. Palmatier: It’s day 19 of Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2014 for Men and Boys, the invisible victims of domestic violence. Falling in love with an abusive, personality disordered woman is like living a fairy tale in reverse.
A man falls in love with what he thinks is a beautiful princess or damsel in distress, only to watch her morph into the destructive, devouring witch. In today’s In His Owns Words, Peter shares the story of how the beautiful girl he thought he fell in love with turned into a raging, violent narcissistic bitch.

Narcissistic Woman
“A happy wife is a happy life.” Whoever coined that phrase must not have been married to a narcissistic woman. You fall in love with Sleeping Beauty only to discover she is the witch once you kiss her awake.
Feminism: Unequal Opportunity Nagging
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