Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
3 Mar 2021
QE Cantillon Effect Confirmed - Banksters Create Wealth Gap
Max and Stacy look at the head of the NY Fed confirming there is evidence that quantitative easing and low interest rates are causing the wealth gap to rise via the Cantillon Effect.
The Hydroxychloroquine Saga
'Has much of the world failed to benefit from an effective,
early-stage treatment for Covid-19, because early trial results were
misleading? ...YES!'
By MRA-UK: One day I shall learn to write short articles, but not today.
I make no apology for this one, despite being also off-topic: it’s too important to be condensed.
Has much of the world failed to benefit from an effective, early-stage treatment for Covid-19, because early trial results were misleading? There may be a number of drugs for which this might be questioned: here I look at hydroxychloroquine.
The Early Indications
Hydroxychloroquine is not an exotic new drug with which doctors and medical authorities have little experience. On the contrary it has been used widely for decades to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. It came to public attention as a potential treatment for Covid-19 early in 2020, not least because of President Trump’s espousal of it.
Canada's Pricey Quarantine Hotels Backfire As People Starve
Eat tinned beans and rice with your hands if you're lucky at Canada’s compulsory expensive
quarantine hotels ~ no water and starvation if you're not with heavy fines if you try to escape
By Tyler Durden: A couple of weeks ago, the Canadian government introduced a new set
of rules forcing international air travelers to quarantine in hotels for
three days upon arrival; the plan has since backfired, "after a series
of endless, chaotic setbacks including food shortages and even alleged
sexual assaults," according to RT News.
Vancouver's local radio station CKWX reports travelers have become upset at Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Toronto after they waited hours for their meals.
Arunthia Urmi, who traveled outside of Canada to visit her father, said she waited hours for food, only to receive nothing more than a flimsy piece of salmon - barely a meal. She also said:
"There was no water. There was no fork or knife, no utensils. No salt or pepper. Nothing," Urmi said.
Texas, USA Ends Covid Mask Mandate, Lifts All Anti-Virus Restrictions, Allows All Businesses To Reopen
I just announced Texas is OPEN 100%.
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) March 2, 2021
I also ended the statewide mask mandate.
By Tyler Durden: Update (1700ET): Shortly after Gov. Abbott's decision to follow the science and allow the people of his state to be 'free' to judge their own risks once again, none other than California Gov. Newsom - desperate to virtue-signal as he fights for political survival amid an imminent recall vote - had a two word response: "Absolutely reckless"