By Michael Snyder: Now
that "bail-ins" have become accepted practice all over the planet, no
bank account and no pension fund will ever be 100% safe again. In fact,
Cyprus-style wealth confiscation is already starting to happen all
around the world. As you will read about below, private pension funds
were just raided by the government in Poland, and a "bail-in" is being
organized for one of the largest banks in Italy. Unfortunately, this is
just the beginning. The precedent that was set in Cyprus is being used
as a template for establishing bail-in procedures in New Zealand,
Canada and all over Europe. It is only a matter of time before we see
this exact same type of thing happen in the United States as well. From
now on, anyone that keeps a large amount of money in any single bank
account or retirement fund is being incredibly foolish.
Let's take a look at a few of the examples of how Cyprus-style wealth confiscation is now moving forward all over the globe...
For years, there have been rumors that someday the U.S. government would raid private pension funds.
Well, in Poland it just happened.
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
26 Sept 2013
Trickle-Down Flamethrowers - Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert with Mitch Feierstein
Searching for visionary investments
Miliband the confused Commissar: out for the count, and in for a pasting
Consider these facts about Miliband’s ‘Socialism’. The Labour leader has revealed his intention to appoint Alan Buckle, deputy chairman at accountants KPMG, to investigate how the role and powers of the Low Pay Commission could be extended to strengthen the minimum wage.
KPMG is an arm of ATOS, a Group whose initials might well stand for All Types of Omnivorous Shitheads. For Atos is the French firm of sociopathic gargoyles run by Thierry Breton……the firm that this very same Ed Firebrand wants to fire from running work capability assessments for the DWP. There’s a good reason to fire them: they get more client complaints than any other single Coalition supplier – which really is saying something.
Double Standards: US intervention in the Middle East - Monsanto, etc.
RECALL THE CRIMINALS!!! Osborne, Cameron, The Banksters!! + Mark Steel "shall we kill the Queen" +++ - The BBC Sucks O Cocks News
The artist taxi driver
"You can't make this shit up!"
The Military Industrial Complex: critics of US drone program considered ‘threats,’ ‘adversaries,’ ‘propagandists’

This is hardly surprising, given that pretty much everything is considered an indicator of potential terrorist activity, including undermining the government’s narrative.
The website, which looks similar to Wikipedia, contains entries written only by individuals “with top secret clearance and public key infrastructure certificates.” These certificates are cards that give unique access to restricted parts of NSA systems, according a Guardian interview with Edward Snowden.
All of the entries are “peer reviewed,” according to Snowden, which means that the statements reflect official government positions.
In listing “threats to unmanned aerial vehicles,” the expected physical dangers, including “air defense threats,” “jamming of UAV sensor systems,” “terrestrial weather” and “electronic warfare employed against the command and control system” are outlined.
However, the article also describes “propaganda campaigns that target UAV use” as one of the threats facing the drone program.
Among the “examples of potential propaganda themes that could be employed against UAV operations” some shocking entries are included.
Greece: Riot police attack massive Antifa demo against the headquarters of Golden Dawn
TEACH THEM NOT TO RAPE! + Edinburgh Students' Union Bans Song Because Rabid Feminists Don't Like It
The Joe Rogan Experience with Stefan Molyneux
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