Russell Brand: The invasion of Ukraine has sparked talk of sanctions and financial crackdowns from Western leaders. But does this ring true and how have these leaders previously profited from connections to Russian money?
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
13 Mar 2022
Washington And Moscow Vie For The Stupid Prize
'In the sanctions game the Russians hold all the cards but do not know how to play them. ...The dumbshit Americans are going to do for Russia what Russia should have done for herself years ago.'
So, what do the Western sanctions do? They identify for Russia the pressure points where Russian sanctions on the West can severely damage the West. Why doesn’t Russia use this power?
Tucker Carlson On US/Ukraine Bio-Weapons Labs
Tucker Carlson: "If you had told us just four days ago that the Biden administration was funding secret bio labs in Ukraine of all places, we would not have believed you. Yeah, I don't think we're going to put that on TV. No thanks."
World War 3 Imminent: Russia Will Attack NATO Weapons Shipments To Ukraine: "Legitimate Targets"
"We warned the United States" over "the orchestrated pumping of weapons from a number of countries..."
By Tyler Durden: Setting the stage for a potential major escalation with Western and NATO powers, the Kremlin warned on Saturday that the Russian military is prepared to target Western arms shipments that are continuing to pour into Ukraine. Russia's Deputy FM Sergei Ryabkov said on state TV that Washington had been informed in the last days that Moscow will see weapons supply convoys entering Ukraine as "legitimate targets"."We warned the United States that the orchestrated pumping of weapons from a number of countries is not just a dangerous move, it is a move that turns these convoys into legitimate targets," Ryabkov said in the remarks, which served as a severe warning to the West.
Ukrainian Update #7
'The titular Jewish Ukrainian president, Zelensky, is just a
Washington puppet. With or without negotiation, the Russian goal will be achieved. ...The Western world has despoiled and rejected
its own values and is disintegrating into corruption and debauchery.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Western lie machine continues to speak of “the Russian invasion of Ukraine,” but it is not an invasion of Ukraine. It is a limited military operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine. The Russian forces have surrounded Kiev, but are otherwise operating only in eastern and southern Ukraine where the bulk of the Ukrainian forces and neo-Nazi militias were preparing an invasion of the Donbass republics. The Ukrainian and neo-Nazi forces are surrounded and cut off. Various of the cities that they held are being cleared by Russian and Donbass forces. The Russians would prefer to negotiate the surrender of the forces to taking the casualties, both Russian troops and Ukrainian civilians, of clearing out the neo-Nazis street by street, but there is no one with whom to negotiate.