Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
14 Jul 2017
Don't Trust Your Mother - MGTOW
I Love Respecting Women And Hate All Men
I love women and I RESPECT WOMEN because women are superior to men because equality and if you disagree you are a toxic pig misogynist because WOMEN. #PREACH
This is not a joke i really RESPECT ALL WOMEN and hate #AllMen because WOMEN are superior to men because EQUALITY. I can tip my fedora to women and hold doors for women.
I am the ultimate RESPECTOR of WOMEN.
New World Order: Times Change Out From Under Us

He no longer carried a pocket knife. He had learned long ago that things that go into pockets become habitual. He would forget to take the knife out when he rushed to catch his flight, just as he always forgot to put the knife in his pocket when he went to work in the garden. There would be a scene at the airport, confiscation of the knife, which had been his grandfather’s, and TSA questioning. They might want him to be strip searched.
For Honey Badger Irianna - Jailed For Loyalty To Boyfriend Who Was Subsequently Found Innocent Of All Charges
Gilad Atzmon On Politics In Music, Roger Waters, Palestine And Humanitarianism

Recently, Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters has been in the news, not for his North America musical tour but for his politics. As an outspoken supporter of Palestine, he has come up against the Israel lobby in many western countries.
Recently, various pro-Israel activists have financed the making of a film against Waters called Wish You Weren’t Here,a mockery of the Pink Floyd album and song Wish You Were Here.
Even among politically minded musicians, few talk about the Israel/Palestine issue. I recently spoke with acclaimed jazz musician, philosopher, social commentator and pro-Palestine thinker Gilad Atzmon about his reaction to the latest attempt to smear Roger Waters over his advocacy of Palestinian justice.
Women Are Stronger Than Men, Except When They Aren't
Reform Of Family Law Strikes At The Heart Of Gynocentrism
By Robert Franklin: Of all the issues facing MHRAs, reform of family courts and laws is the most important. If you know my work, you know that most of what I’ve written about over the past nine plus years are the many ways in which family laws and policies conspire to separate fathers from their children. During that time, I’ve come to the conclusion that to reassert fathers’ importance in children’s lives is to strike at the heart of the phenomenon responsible for the anti-male bias that is evident in much of our culture. I refer of course to gynocentrism.
Gynocentrism arises in part from the evolution of sex roles that require males to protect – often at the cost of their lives – females and children. Humans, like other social mammals, are born immature, take a long time to reach sexual maturity and require long periods of nurturing and socialization to become contributing members of society. Human females typically give birth to a single offspring at a time who, until recently, had a good chance of dying before reaching adulthood. And, again until recently, females ran a significant risk of dying in, or as a result of, childbirth. Plus, a single male can impregnate a number of females at a given time. Accordingly, for the species to survive, females and children had to be the favored individuals in any group. That made males their protectors and consequently the disposable sex.

Psycho Woman Wipes Out Her Whole Family
"At the first sign of mental issues
run for your life, literally!"
MGTOW 101: Psycho Woman Wipes Out Her Whole Family.
run for your life, literally!"
MGTOW 101: Psycho Woman Wipes Out Her Whole Family.
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