Regards, Bearing.
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
29 Oct 2017
One Day Tomorrow Won’t Arrive - Thanks Feminism
'Made completely stupid by Identity Politics'

For example, the US Navy has been made obsolete by Russia’s hypersonic maneuvering Zircon missile.
For example, the speed and trajectory changes of the Russian Sarmat ICBM has nullified Washington’s ABM system. One Sarmet is sufficient to take out Great Britain, or France, or Germany, or Texas. It only takes a dozen to wipe out the United States.
Why don’t you know this?
For example, Washington’s enormously expensive F-35 jet fighter is no match whatsoever for Russian fighters.
For example, US tanks are no match for Russian tanks.
For example, Russian troops are superior in their combat readiness and training and are highly motivated and not worn out by 16 years of pointless and frustrating wars over no one knows what.
If the US ends up in a catastrophic war with a militarily superior power, it will be the fault of Hillary Clinton, the DNC, former CIA director John Brennan and the military/security complex, the presstitute media, and the American liberal/progressive/left, which, made completely stupid by Identity Politics, has allied with neoconservative warmongers against President Trump and prevented Trump from normalizing relations with Russia.
Without normal relations with Russia, nuclear Armageddon hangs over us like the sword of Damocles.
Feminist Indoctrination At Shoreham Academy
By Jordan Holbrook: Earlier this year, I wrote in The Conservative Woman an article titled ‘Marx and the campus are feminism’s recruiting sergeants’. Do not be fooled into thinking the ‘campus’ element is limited purely to universities; the indoctrination is happening in secondary schools as well. Shoreham Academy in Brighton is one such example.
In the English department, students were required to write an essay on a Guardian article titled ‘Taylor Swift is tough, cool and in control. Unlike Donald Trump’. The article, for those who wish to both save themselves the horror of reading such drivel and to also deny The Guardian a click on said garbage, loosely attacks Trump for being temperamental then, rather flimsily, attempts to segue way into lauding Swift for her sassiness during a sexual assault hearing. The article ends with a panegyric on Swift’s accomplishments and how she should be the President and not Trump. I’m not joking.

AFRICOM Is The Question
'Obama 'The Baby Bomber', 'Tripoli' Clinton and their NATO
partners are responsible for
bringing state sponsored
terror to the entire region.'
By Margaret Kimberley: “They use ludicrous terms like ‘gold star
family’ and make the case for continued American aggression around the world.”

Almost no one is asking about the fact that
American troops are stationed in Africa at all. Few people realize that such a
thing as the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM )
exists and that the military forces of most African nations have been under the
de facto control of this country since the George W. Bush administration.
In Shocking, Viral Interview, Qatar Confesses Secrets Behind Syrian War
By Tyler Durden: A television interview of a top Qatari official confessing the truth behind the origins of the war in Syria is going viral across Arabic social media during the same week a leaked top secret NSA document was published which confirms that the armed opposition in Syria was under the direct command of foreign governments from the early years of the conflict.

And according to a well-known Syria analyst and economic adviser with close contacts in the Syrian government, the explosive interview constitutes a high level "public admission to collusion and coordination between four countries to destabilize an independent state, [including] possible support for Nusra/al-Qaeda." Importantly, "this admission will help build case for what Damascus sees as an attack on its security & sovereignty. It will form basis for compensation claims."
As the war in Syria continues slowly winding down, it seems new source material comes out on an almost a weekly basis in the form of testimonials of top officials involved in destabilizing Syria, and even occasional leaked emails and documents which further detail covert regime change operations against the democratically elected Syrian government.
‘Help To Buy’ - Who Did It Really Help?
Why Vladimir Putin Deserves A Nobel Peace Prize ...Seriously
reality is that the Russian leader has done more to promote the cause
of global peace and security than any other Western leader in recent
times. That explains why he is the object of such intense scorn.
rise as a statesman of the first magnitude began, oddly enough, with
the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 on the United States. Since that
day, Washington has taken advantage of that national tragedy to achieve
specific geopolitical ends, the majority of them - coincidentally or not
- diametrically opposed to Russia's own national security. Moscow, for
its part, was expected to
serve as nothing more participatory than a captive audience to the US
war machine as it began its destruction tour through the Middle East,
most notably in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In late 2013, the tide began to turn, as the violence began to roost on Russia's doorstep. Kiev had suddenly erupted in protests against
the government of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, whose
only crime had been to suspend the implementation of an association
agreement with the European Union.
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