'Misandry is common and it’s only getting worse. No excuses anymore. Everyone should now be able to recognise it for what it is.'
By : We talk a lot about red pills, blue pills and even purple pills in these parts. Someone who has red pilled sees the world as it really is, with gynocentrism, male disposability and misandry everywhere you look. That red pill takes a long time to swallow and the process is unpleasant. But you don’t have to be red pilled to see misandry. Not anymore.
In the past I think people could be excused for not seeing the misandry in society. I really do. Yes, it was pretty obvious at times and if you just looked honestly at the way the world worked then it’d be there for all to see but I was still prepared to give them a pass. Not any more. Time’s up. Misandry is now so prevalent that anyone that denies it is being willfully ignorant or walking around with their eyes and minds closed.
Google Trends reveals interesting results concerning this topic. People are looking in to and talking about misandry.
By : We talk a lot about red pills, blue pills and even purple pills in these parts. Someone who has red pilled sees the world as it really is, with gynocentrism, male disposability and misandry everywhere you look. That red pill takes a long time to swallow and the process is unpleasant. But you don’t have to be red pilled to see misandry. Not anymore.
In the past I think people could be excused for not seeing the misandry in society. I really do. Yes, it was pretty obvious at times and if you just looked honestly at the way the world worked then it’d be there for all to see but I was still prepared to give them a pass. Not any more. Time’s up. Misandry is now so prevalent that anyone that denies it is being willfully ignorant or walking around with their eyes and minds closed.
Google Trends reveals interesting results concerning this topic. People are looking in to and talking about misandry.