The Doc: The
Golden Jackass states that the suicided bankers had flipped during
prosecution investigation, and were assassinated to prevent insider
testimony of bank fraud from reaching the prosecution.
Willie emphasizes
that we are NOT seeing bad bankers removed, we are witnessing bankers
taken out who are on the verge of revealing BIG DATA details.
Willie’s full alert on Wall Street banker suicides is below:
Jim Willie: The banker hits are being done by the bad guys to keep men from singing after they flipped during prosecution investigation.
Jim Willie: The banker hits are being done by the bad guys to keep men from singing after they flipped during prosecution investigation.
All have been working with police teams and continental cops like Interpol.
The STL Fed guy discovered some Bush giant multi-$B fraud and was ready to report it.
The STL Fed economist was hit by the Bush gang, before he sang against them.
The London bankers had begun to sing to Interpol on Mafia Vatican connections on massive FOREX fraud thefts.