Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
25 Jul 2023
Corbett: How has television been used as a vehicle of propaganda? What psychological techniques are deployed in media manipulation? What is the future of media? Join James for this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast on the past, present and future of television, media and brainwashing.
The Ukraine Grift
RT: What is the Ukraine conflict all about? We are told it is about democracy. Others say it is about ‘the rules-based order’ – whatever that is. In fact, there is nothing noble about this conflict. It is just another huge grift. Those in power want to keep it that way. - CrossTalking with George Szamuely and Martin Jay.
WEF Scientist Testifies 'Man-Made Climate Change Is A Depopulation Scam'
"Thousands of top scientists from around the world say there is no climate emergency. ...Despite the pedigree of these men, you won't hear anything about their bombshell admissions in the lame-stream media."
The People's Voice: A top climate change scientist has become the latest expert to blow the whistle on the globalist elite and admit the so-called climate crisis is a hoax to depopulate the world, humiliate the masses, and bolster the coffers of the elite at the expense of ordinary, working people.
That’s the problem with perpetuating a massive, ongoing hoax that affects literally every single person on the planet. A hoax of such enormous scale requires a lot of people to be in on the secret, and eventually some of them are going to blow the whistle and tell the truth.
Israel And Ukraine - The History
vanessa beeley: Zionism has deep roots in Ukraine. Jews were a significant element in the settler colony of Odessa.
Along with a range of non Jewish colonizers they settled on land from which Muslims and others had been expelled in the settlement around Khadjibey in 1794.
Ukraine, especially Odessa, was a key locus of the rise of the Zionist movement in the twentieth century.
The US Government's New 'Ministry Of Truth': The Cybersecurity And Infrastructure Security Agency
Authored by Peter Schweizer: Mission creep is a serious problem in the federal government, and the ongoing investigations by House Republicans into "weaponization" of government misdeeds have shown how pervasive and deep the problem can be.
CISA, an agency of the Department of Homeland Security, was created in 2018 with a simple, non-political mission statement: "To prepare for, respond to, and mitigate the impact of cyberattacks."
'Serious Doubt' About COVID-19 Vaccine Safety After Forced Release Of 15,000 Pages Of Clinical Trial Data
"No autopsy was conducted..."
Authored by Tom Ozimek: Conservative public interest advocacy group Defending the Republic (DTR) has obtained almost 15,000 pages of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, claiming the data show an “utter lack of thoroughness” of the trials and calls the vaccine’s safety into “serious doubt.”
As a result of successful Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the group recently announced it had obtained—and is releasing—nearly 15,000 pages of documents relating to testing and adverse events associated with “Spikevax,” Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.