21 Aug 2020

How The Jews Wage War On Palestinian History

The archives confirm the Jews' large-scale massacres of Gentile Palestinian civilians carried out in 1948 – the year the Jews' 'Israel' land theft project was established by stealing the indigenous Gentile Palestinians' homeland.
Jonathan Cook: When the Palestinian actor Mohammed Bakri made a documentary about Jenin in 2002 – filming immediately after the Jews had completed rampaging through the West Bank Mega Concentration Camp, leaving death and destruction in its wake – he chose an unusual narrator for the opening scene: a mute Palestinian youth.
Jenin had been sealed off from the world for nearly three weeks as the Jews razed the neighbouring refugee camp and terrorised its population.
Bakri’s film Jenin, Jenin shows the young man hurrying silently between wrecked buildings, using his nervous body to illustrate where Jews shot Palestinians and where bulldozers collapsed homes, sometimes on their Gentile inhabitants.

New York City Is A Shithole

Paul Joseph Watson
People are fleeing in droves.

The Mask Slips

Computing Forever
"The virus has a fatality rate that's no worse than than a flu after all. This is why our freedoms were taken from us, because the virus must be incentivised through carrot and stick policies. It's all ultimately about blackmail and coercion to get us to take the vaccine. The globalists were determined to inject seven billion people with whatever's going to be in the bloody thing and they needed an excuse to do so. Creating hysteria about a pandemic was their strategy.
...Where are the mass graves, where are the endless lines of funerals?"

A Kristallnacht For White Americans?

'You were never even told about John Weed’s brutal murder and the pass that white justice gave to the two black thugs who murdered him, spit on his body, and danced around it in glee.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Those who are working overtime to delegitimize white Americans have coined a term that they use as a weapon—“white privilege.”  The propaganda is that being white is a racial privilege that elevates white Americans above other Americans and enables white people to oppress blacks. It doesn’t strike those who use the term as a weapon that these same “racist white people” are the ones who elected Obama president and put Kamala Harris in the Senate.
“White privilege” conveys the idea that white people have impunity.  They can abuse, even kill, people of color without consequence.
'White people are being gradually moved into a subordinate position in which self-defense is proof of racism and the expectation of police protection is white privilege.'

Males As Providers And Protectors

Canadian Association for Equality: While it is important not to see men as full human beings with a range of needs and attributes, including nurturing parents, it is also important to recognize the contribution and sacrifice men make to provide for and protect their families and others. Too often talk of a "gender pay gap" implies that those men who put in long hours, sometimes in dangerous work and far from home, are oppressing the women on whose behalf they endure stress, risk and loneliness.