'White people, not global robber baron corporations
or Wall Street crooks or corrupt politicians (unless they are white or male) are the source of evil, of oppression,
of racism and enslavement of women.'
By Paul Craig Roberts: Identity Politics is turning white people into a delegitimized group that it is permissible to hate and to discriminate against. White Americans are being turned into undesirables and are being delegitimized just as Jews were delegitimatized in Nazi Germany. Curiously enough, as I understand it, the Identity Politics being used to delegitimize white people has its roots in the Jewish cultural Marxism of the Frankfort School.
Most Americans are unaware of Identity Politics, and those who hear about it dismiss it as something silly. But it is the core politics of the Democratic Party and the liberal/progressive/left that is rivaling the neoconservatives for control over the American psyche.
I wrote about the article in the Texas Tech student newspaper that declared white DNA to be abominable. We should all take notice that Identity Politics has reached into a deep South technical school. The article was approved by the paper’s editors and also perhaps by the faculty advisers. An article that declared black or Jewish DNA to be abominable would most certainly not have been approved, and anyone who wrote such an article would at a minimum have been sent for sensitivity training.
'In place of equality under law, Blumrosen, a Frankfort School Jew, went for equality of result.'