29 Nov 2016

Shutting Down Shame

International Men's Day 2016, London, UK

Mike Buchanan: J4MB supporters joined a group of Fathers' Rights campaigners and marched from the Royal Courts of Justice to Parliament Square, where we added a protest against MGM into the mix. Protest, Parade, and Interviews on International Men's Day in London, UK. Hosted by Elizabeth Hobson, and interview with Mike Buchanan of Justice For Men & Boys.

Attractive Debts

Max and Stacy go on the road, in a golf cart, to talk models - macroeconomic models and how changing the model can magically make debt appear more attractive. They look at failed models like health care and the economics of 'draining the swamp.'

Milo doesn't understand trigger warnings (either do I)

Transtrender Milo Stewart educates us all about trigger warnings and how horrible it feels to be triggered .. except Milo's making it all up and doesn't understand what being 'triggered' is at all ... like me ... because it's not a real thing.

Jordan Peterson Debate Faces A RADICAL LESBIAN FEMINIST

Tim Patten: RADICAL LESBIAN FEMINIST uses a sexist demeanor of hate towards Jordan Peterson. The world and feminism must rid itself of toxic man haters like her.

Synagogue And State Slays America

"Why does Bibsy get a free pass? 
...Money is a racket and the Jews own the franchise"
Said Brother Nathanael

The TRUTH About The Holocaust

Zionist Report: We must stand up to lies. Especially when these lies have been conditioning not only the United States but the rest of the world. People are in jail for questioning a historical event. We must stop this.