21 Sept 2022

Queen’s Funeral Eerily Resembles North Korean Dictator’s + Martha’s Vineyard Can’t Handle Influx Of 50 Immigrants

Jimmy Dore: The British Isles may not be ruled by a member of the royal family, but when it comes to funerals for recently departed monarchs, the United Kingdom looks and sounds an awful lot like North Korea, as evinced by a recent viral “mashup” of audio from an English reporter describing the funeral of Kim Jong-Il combined with footage of Queen Elizabeth’s elaborate send-off. Jimmy and his panel of The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle and Convo Couch’s Craig “Pasta” Jardula discuss the bizarre fixation that even many Americans have with the British royals.

UK Column News

"The 'Ukraine = Big Israel' ultra-Zionist Jew Zelensky has ordered his Nazis to shell Christian civilians in Donetsk city!"

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Debi Evans.

Arrested For Questioning 'The Current Thing'

"UK police caught on camera acting like the thought police."

Anything Goes

Blood On The Cutting Room Floor - False Flags

Corbett: Do you think The Corbett Report's new 5+ hour, 50,000 word documentary, False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda wasn't long enough? Do you think it missed key parts of the Al Qaeda myth and failed to document important parts of the War of Terror story? Well, so do I! Today, let's take a tour of the cutting room floor and see what was left out of the documentary.

The West Is Directly Involved In The Fighting In Ukraine!

"The West desires to kill us!"

RN: Recently, George W. Bush said that the main task of Ukraine is to kill as many Russians as possible! The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, spoke about the situation in Ukraine at a regular briefing. The topic concerned the conduct of a special military operation by Russia in Ukraine, which was launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 24, 2022.

Finally Perhaps We Can Make Sense Out Of Putin’s Decisions

'The consequence of Russian restraint and indecision, if it persists, is likely to be nuclear war.  It is nuclear war that I am writing against.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: I have been attempting to make sense out of Putin’s halting of the Russian offensive in Donbass, thus handing the initiative over to Ukraine, which Ukraine has attempted to exploit in counter-offensives. The first counter-offensive in Kherson was destroyed, but the second one in the Kharkov area, where Russian forces were thin, forced a Russian pullback.

 I have also been attempting to make sense out of Putin’s endless announcements of red lines that he never enforces while the “limited conflict” widens precipitously, now with Ukraine’s request for Washington to supply long range missiles capable of attacking the Kerch Bridge, Russia’s Black Sea naval base in Crimea, and Russian towns and cities.  Already Ukraine has attacked Russian villages close to its border to little effect, which is perhaps why the attacks called forth no response from the Kremlin. Washington, eyeing Putin’s lack of response to violations of his red lines, and so far encountering no Russian response to the widening of the war, is considering supplying the long-range missiles, perhaps through third parties, to Ukraine.

More Disinformation From Israel About Iran

Weakening Iran and possibly even replacing its government is the most compelling issue for the Jews and their powerful US lobby, but the Jews' plan is much broader than that: to make the United States the junior partner providing the money and weapons in their Jewish anti-Gentile apartheid regime Israels effort to militarily dominate the Middle East

Biden/Blinken administration caves on IDF killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, Palestinians, Syria, etc

By Philip Giraldi: Joe Biden ran for president in 2020 with a pledge to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran, which Donald Trump had withdrawn from in May 2018 under pressure from Republican Party Jewish donors, most notably underwritten by an estimated $100 million coming from now deceased Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas casino fortune.