10 Feb 2022

WW3: Jew Lobby Nobbled British Government Has Angered Russia After Talks: "Like A Mute Talking To A Deaf Person"

Lavrov seething after summit with UK Foreign Secretary: "I'm honestly disappointed that what we have is a conversation between a dumb and a deaf person..."

By Tyler Durden: For the past month Britain has been at the forefront of Western allies taking muscular action aimed at Russia over the Ukraine standoff, being the first country to initiate large military weapons shipments into the country, and recently issuing explosive allegations that Moscow is plotting a coup in Ukraine to install a pro-Kremlin puppet. 

Given all of this, it should come as no surprise that a high-level meeting between UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov ended in anger and finger-pointing, which was a much different tone compared to the amicable atmosphere of the Putin-Macron meeting days ago. It further underscores the emergent de facto divide among NATO allies - the Germany-France side is seeking robust diplomacy and de-escalation, while the Jewish Israel vassals US-UK and some Baltic states appear bent on muscle-flexing and confrontation.

Amnesty Joins Global Chorus Accusing Jewish Anti-Gentile Regime Of Enforcing Apartheid On Indigenous Palestinians

Amnesty International is the second high profile international rights group in less than a year to point out what nasty bastards the Jews are.

Mourners attend the funeral of another indigenous Gentile murdered by The Jews, Omar Abdalmajeed As'ad, 80 yeas old.

By Amnesty International accused The Zio-Jews on Tuesday of subjecting Gentiles under a system of apartheid founded on policies of segregation, dispossession and exclusion that it said amounted to crimes against humanity.

The London-based rights group said its findings were based on research and legal analysis in a 211-page report into The Jews' seizure of Palestinian land and property, mass murder, forcible transfer of indigenous Gentile people and denial of citizenship.

130+ UK Doctors Say Failed COVID Policies Caused Massive Permanent Harm, Especially To Children, Toddlers & Babies

“...UKs approach to COVID has palpably failed. In the apparent desire to protect one vulnerable group - the elderly - the implemented policies have caused widespread collateral and disproportionate harm to many other vulnerable groups, especially children.”

Via The Epoch Times: A letter signed by more than 130 UK medical professionals accused UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other government officials of causing “massive, permanent and unnecessary harm” to the country

letter to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other UK government officials, signed by more than 130 UK medical professionals, accused the government of mishandling its response to the COVID pandemic, resulting in “massive, permanent and unnecessary harm” to the country.

Every State With An Income Tax Is A Slave State

'A slave is a person who does not own his own labor.' 

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The headline might seem extravagant, but it is true. Readers might not realize its truth, because people tend to associate slavery with confinement, but that is incorrect. The slave was confined to his place of work, because that is where his labor was used and mobility in those times was extremely limited, not because confinement was a feature of slavery.

A slave is a person who does not own his own labor. His labor is owned by another. On 19th century plantations about half of a slave’ output was used to feed, clothe, and house him. In other words, the slave was taxed at 50%. The other half was return on the capital the owner had invested in the slave. According to economic historians, earnings on the investment varied over time but seldom was extravagant. Slavery was brought to the British colonies not because it was profitable, but because there was no other labor force to work the fertile land. Some historians concluded that the return was declining and that slavery was on its way out.

In medieval times, serfs were less productive than slaves in the 19th century. Historians I read decades ago concluded that the productivity of labor was so low in medieval times that if more than 30% of a serf’s labor was claimed by lords, the serfs could not reproduce and would revolt.

They Don’t Just Lie To Us About Wars - They Lie To Us About Everything

'The difference between what we’ve been told and what we find over the course of this investigation is the difference between dream and waking life.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: Propaganda isn’t just about manufacturing consent for wars and ridiculous governmental measures we’d never normally accept. That’s what most people think of when they hear that word, but there’s so very, very much more to it than that.

The lion’s share of propaganda goes not toward convincing us to accept new agendas of the powerful, but toward keeping us entranced in the status quo dream world which enables the powerful to have power in the first place. Toward normalizing status quo systems and training us to shape ourselves to fit into them like neat little cogs in a well-oiled machine.

And it’s not even a grand, monolithic conspiracy in most cases. The giant corporations who indoctrinate us with their advertisements, their Hollywood movies and shows, their apps, their websites and their news media are all naturally incentivized to point us further and further into delusion by the fact that they benefit from the status quo systems which have elevated them to wealth.

"They Will Not Silence Me": Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Was Pressured Not To Reveal It's Mild

"I was told not to state publicly..." she was criticized by big pharma shill scientists in the UK and Netherlands.

By Tyler Durden: The doctor who discovered the Omicron Covid-19 strain, Angelique Coetzee, says that she was pressured by European governments not to reveal that it had mild presentation, according to an interview in Germany's Welt.

When asked if it's true, Coetzee replied: "I was told not to state publicly that it was a mild illness. I have been asked to refrain from making such statements and to say that it is a serious illness. I declined." (translated).

"What does that mean?" replied Welt.

"I am a clinician and based on the clinical picture there are no indications that we are dealing with a very serious disease. The course is mostly mild. I'm not saying you won't get sick if you're mild.

James Corbett Lays Out The Biosecurity Agenda

TRANSCRIPT - Geopolitics & Empire: The Geopolitics And Empire podcast is joined by James Corbett. The man, the myth, the legend. Señor Santiago or Jaime, as we would call you here in México. How is the Great Reset going in Japan?

James Corbett: As well as can be expected. In fact, actually given what is happening in other parts of the world, it’s going extremely well here in Japan, which is not something I would’ve predicted beforehand.