Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
5 May 2018
The Octopus Of Global Control
2018: When Orwell’s 1984 Stopped Being Fiction
When I trained as a journalist, we reserved a “Revealed” or an “Exposed” for those special occasions when we were able to bring to the reader information those in power did not want known. These were the rare moments when as journalists we could hold our heads high and claim to be monitoring the centres of power, to be fulfilling our sacred duty as the fourth estate.
But today’s Guardian’s “exclusive” story “Revealed: UK’s push to strengthen anti-Russia alliance” is doing none of this. Nothing the powerful would want hidden from us is being “revealed”. No one had to seek out classified documents or speak to a whistleblower to bring us this “revelation”.
FAIR: As Israel Kills Dozens and Maims Thousands, Palestinian ‘Violence’ Under Lame Stream Media Microscope
IAK: If Americans Knew has reported in the past, and it is still true: lame stream media is getting it wrong on Israel/Palestine. Sources that are otherwise accurate and reliable – BBC, WaPo, CNN, NYT, and AP – continue their routine of mis- and under-reporting Israel’s violence toward Palestinians while exaggerating Palestinian misconduct.

During the recent demonstrations in Gaza, Israel has injured nearly 3,000 Palestinians and killed 35 of them, while there have been zero Israeli casualties. Yet a Washington Post report (4/20/18) devotes portions of 10 of its 29 paragraphs to the spectre of Palestinian violence,
Instruction Of Boys In The Arts Of Chivalry
By Peter Wright: The following excerpt is from the 1825 classic The History of Chivalry Or Knighthood and Its Times, by Charles Mills. Like many historical articles it shows that chivalry came to be about much more than military conduct, becoming conflated as it were with deferent and servile behaviour toward women – as it does to this day. The following describes the process whereby young boys were inducted into the cult of chivalry.
The education of a knight generally commenced at the age of seven or eight years, for no true lover of chivalry wished his children to pass their time in idleness and indulgence.
At a baronial feast, a lady in the full glow of maternal pride pointed to her offspring, and demanded of her husband whether he did not bless Heaven for having given him four such fine and promising boys. “Dame,” replied her lord, thinking her observation ill timed and foolish, ” so help me God and Saint Martin, nothing gives me greater sorrow and shame than to see four great sluggards, who do nothing but eat, and drink, and waste their time in idleness and folly.” Like other children of gentlebirth, therefore, the boys of this noble Duke Guerin of Montglaive, in spite of their mother’s wishes, commenced their chivalric exercises.

At a baronial feast, a lady in the full glow of maternal pride pointed to her offspring, and demanded of her husband whether he did not bless Heaven for having given him four such fine and promising boys. “Dame,” replied her lord, thinking her observation ill timed and foolish, ” so help me God and Saint Martin, nothing gives me greater sorrow and shame than to see four great sluggards, who do nothing but eat, and drink, and waste their time in idleness and folly.” Like other children of gentlebirth, therefore, the boys of this noble Duke Guerin of Montglaive, in spite of their mother’s wishes, commenced their chivalric exercises.
Hugh Primas: Overcome Sexual-Market Injustice With Medieval Education
By Author Douglas Galbi: The current social construction of gender and sexuality makes sex a service that men predominately purchase from women. Men pay women for sex with money, material goods, or even at the cost of their whole lives. That’s a structural gender inequality and an injustice. Moreover, the invisible hand of the sexual market leaves many men sexually impoverished, enjoying little more than the work of their hands. The great twelfth-century medieval Latin poet Hugh Primas personally understood these gender-based, sexual-market injustices. With elegant poetry and wry humor, Hugh Primas sought to educate men so that sexual-market injustices wouldn’t be men’s inevitable fortune.O, how harsh is Primas’s fortune!
{ O quam dura sors Primatis! }
Men’s sexuality has been so thoroughly commodified that the price men pay for sex with women is regarded to vary deservedly by sexual position and the man’s weight. Hugh Primas wrote down the words of a local whore:
Wall Street Is A Ponzi Scheme
"Shares, own a slip of toilet paper that you might be able to trick somebody else into paying you for.
...Ah, cannibalising each other for profits.
...Our stock market is a Ponzi scheme."
...Ah, cannibalising each other for profits.
...Our stock market is a Ponzi scheme."
The Warmakers
'If a little bit of intellectual nausea is the
price to pay for peace, I say let’s do it.'

Do I want to die for Israel? Do I want to lose my job for Israel?
Prime Minister Bibi 'The Baby Butcher Of Gaza' Unaware Of The Camera, Says "America Can Easily Be Moved"
By Glenn Kessler: Video of Netanyahu, speaking in an unvarnished manner in 2001 about relations with the United States and the peace process, may cause some heartburn at the White House. "I know what America is," Netanyahu told a group of terror victims, apparently not knowing his words were being recorded. "America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get in our way." Netanyahu also bragged how he undercut the peace process when he was prime minister during the Clinton administration.
EXPOSED: Ben Swann Reveals Who Funds The White Helmets Propaganda
Ben Swann does a "Reality Check" on the founding and funding behind the war propaganda producing Syrian "White Helmets"
Swann has been an Alt-Media favorite ever since his work on "Pizzagate" while at CBS46. His groundbreaking work on that "Pizzagate" segment was punished by a vengeful deep state reaction as Mediaite details:
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