29 Jul 2021

Makary To Fauci: "It's Time To Stop The Fearmongering" Amid Widespread Natural Immunity

"Experts should level with the public about the good news..."

By Tyler Durden: It is not the first time Dr. Marty Makary has dared to speak out against the establishment's doom narrative.

In February, he slammed Fauci's forecasts of a return to normalcy not occurring before 2022, saying that we would see herd immunity well before that, urging that:

"Experts should level with the public about the good news..."

In March, Makary continued to bring the public's atention to herd immunity, saying Fauci "needs to put up or shut up" on his fearmongering.

"Anthony Fauci has been saying that the country needs to vaccinate 70% to 85% of the population to reach herd immunity from Covid-19. But he inexplicably ignores natural immunity.

United Church Of Christ (UCC) Labels The Anti-Gentile Genocidal Jewish State Israel An Apartheid State

“We reject Israel’s apartheid system of laws and legal procedures,” the United Church of Christ (UCC) stated at its general synod, in a resolution approved by 83 percent of members, joining other Christian churches in supporting Palestinian human rights…

(The term ‘apartheid’ for the Jewish state Israel system has been used by numerous experts, including South African apartheid leader Bishop Desmond Tutu, a South African report on Israel, and scholars on the region.)

By Steve France: So much bad news is hitting The Jewish state Israel’s leaders, so fast, these days, that they may have overlooked warnings by the American Jewish Committee (AJC), among others, that the United Church of Christ (UCC) General Synod was considering becoming the first major U.S. denomination to label Israel an anti-Gentile apartheid state.

The Covid Scam Is Unraveling

UK Covid cases are exploding among the fully vaccinated, rising 40 percent in one week while new Covid cases among the unvaccinated are declining by 22%. ...The vaccines are useless as protection and their side effects are deadly. EU database reports 18,928 deaths, 1,823,219 injuries associated with the Covid vaccines in 2021 alone, US database, VAERS, reports 10,991 deaths and 463,457 adverse effects!

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Covid Scam is collapsing across the entire front much like the Wehrmacht after Stalingrad. Mask mandates and lockdowns are on the comeback because health authorities now admit that the Covid vaccines do not offer effective protection, especially against what are called “new variants.”  What is the point of a Covid passport when the vaccine does not protect and the vaccinated have to wear masks that we know don't help?

Breaking Britain's Doom-Loop

If we don’t return to normal now, when can we?

Via The CriticBoris Johnson was advised to “tone down the rhetoric” about Freedom Day. He ended up doing more than that. What was once billed as an “irreversible” lifting of coronavirus restrictions has become just another day in the new normal.

Contact tracing is continuing, with hundreds of thousands ordered to self-isolate each week; public transportation networks are still insisting on masks as a condition of carriage; a Covid status certification scheme is being rolled out across the country; nightly BBC bulletins still warn of a coming apocalypse; and travel abroad remains a logistical nightmare. As for leaving decisions about mask-wearing and social distancing to our discretion: prepare now for the finger waving.

Basic freedoms were taken from us to fight a virus whose impact the government dares not quantify. Insofar as these rights have been returned, the government is clear that they can be snatched back at any moment.

Jewish War Bastards And Their US CIA Poodles Spied On Assange And Plotted To Assassinate Him

acTVism Munich: Julian Assange's fiancée, Stella Moris, talks about the U.S. spy operation against Julian Assange and the plan to assassinate him. This video was produced and released by the Don't Extradite Assange campaign on July 24, 2021.