War comes naturally to sociopaths, and then it’s sold to the rest of us
By Lee Camp: Every year a certain number of our soldiers
decide they’d rather not be involved in shooting people they don’t know so that
ExxonMobil can have more oil or Lockheed Martin can make more cash or MSNBC /
Fox News can give their hosts topics for their upcoming poetry books.
Basically, these soldiers do something horrifying, something terrible,
something often called “treasonous” … They — wait for it — think for themselves!
(Glass shatters. Woman screams. Baby
Nothing is more frightening for our endless
war machine than a military grunt who thinks for him or herself. They’re supposed
to do nothing more than follow orders. They’re supposed to ask a superior
officer for permission to wear a different color pair of socks. That’s right —
the biggest, toughest gladiators in our society have to get authorization to
switch from boxers to briefs.
I’ll get to what this has to do with our
inverted totalitarian corporate pillaging in a moment.