12 Jul 2022

BPS Male Psychology Section Conference 2022

'It would do these rather self-pitying young men some good to get more involved in the MHRM, because they would learn that their mistake is to make their sense of self-worth dependent upon the approbation of women.'

By MRA-UK: This was the ninth male psychology conference and the third under the auspices of the British Psychological Society (BPS), though – thanks to Covid-19 – the first in-person BPS male psychology conference. It was held in the University of Central Lancashire, Preston, 21-22 June 2022.

With 22 presentations I can only give a brief indication of the content. Not having the Abstracts I am reliant on fallible memory and some scruffy notes, so the authors will forgive me for any inaccuracies which are likely.

Please bear in mind throughout that I am trying to reproduce what was said, or at least its tenor, not expound my own views.

The Financial Agenda Behind The Curtain - With Melissa Ciummei

"The wealth heist, inflation is a hidden tax and they are transferring wealth away from absolutely all of us, wiping out the middle classes, the money is being filtered to the 1% while they paid us to stay at home and do nothing. They paid us to stay at home and not revolt." -Melissa Ciummei

Computing Forever

The Frame-Up Of Warmongering Shabbos Goy Bo-Jo

'How do we really explain Woke England being so out of step with itself?'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The British Prime Minister has had to resign because one of his appointees groped two male members of Parliament.  Allegedly, this qualifies as a sexual scandal of which Bo-Jo was aware, allegedly, when he appointed the homosexual.

How does this qualify as a scandal in the most buggered of all nations?  Moreover, as all sexual preferences are now equal–it is only a matter of choice, as is one’s gender–how is it possible to regard a homosexual minister’s groping as reason for the Prime Minister, who did not do the groping, to resign?  It seems that, despite being Woke, the old rules regarding sexual perversion are still in place in buggered Britain.

Moreover, how do we know that the person doing the groping is not a man transgendered into a woman seeking to entice male attention or attention of one of the 150 genders the BBC was advised exist?  Really now, how can we impose “proper behavior” on so many genders who have free choice, and all choices are legitimate?

Fighting The "Great Reset" Agenda: Dutch Farmers Explain True Reason Elites Plan To Confiscate Land

"They want the farmers' lands to build houses for imigrants from Ukraine and North Africa, they get houses before us!"

Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

UK Column: Who Will Replace Warmonger Boris Johnson?

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, David Scott and Katy-Jo Murfin.

Mass Media: A History

Join James Corbett for today's special edition of The Corbett Report podcast where he walks you through Mass Media: A History, a 3-lesson, 6+ hour online course examining the history of media, exploring media’s impact on society, and revealing where technological developments in media technology are taking us in the future. With lectures in audio and video formats, hyperlinked transcript, recommended reading and study guides, this course takes you on a whirlwind tour of over 500 years of history and shows you what the future of media might look like and why it matters.

The Latest News Foretells American Collapse

There is no sign of intelligence anywhere in the Western world

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: California Democrat Governor Newsom intends to phase out gasoline powered cars by 2035 and replace them with battery powered cars that have to be continually recharged with electricity.  Currently, there is insufficient electricity available to California to safeguard California from brownouts at current usage.  In the meantime California’s last nuclear energy electricity plant faces closure.  It is completely unclear how California is going to have enough clean electricity for its electric-only cars. A safe conclusion is that California is headed for an unmanageable energy crisis.

Currently California relies on electricity produced in other states.  Is California’s plan to make itself “clean” by confining the production of electricity to California’s suppliers in other states?  Does California get “clean” by dirtying other states?

The Biden regime, which even Democrats are tired of, has decided to cancel a US Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe vs. Wade with a presidential executive order. The executive branch has no such authority. Executive orders cannot be used to make law or to overturn court decisions.  With his executive order, the White House Fool is violating the separation of powers.  This step into dictatorship, of course, will cause no regrets among abortion advocates.

Rebranding Elitism: Calling The Liberal World Order What It Is

Today’s elites are caught in a dilemma: nobody wants what theyre selling...

Authored by Mark Jeftovic: They promised a world where under their expert management, the economy would function unfailingly, there would be peace in our time, and when the pandemic hit they had it all under control (anybody remember “Two weeks to flatten the curve?”). They even tease us with transhumanist visions of perpetual bliss in a metaverse and the abolition of death itself.

Photo: Henry, 'The Jewish Bastard' Kissinger and Klaus 'The Real Bond Villain' Schwab.

All we have to do in exchange for these trappings of an AI driven post-singularity bliss is cede our sovereignty and our individual free will. Sure, we get decide the little things for ourselves. iOS or Android. Pfizer or Moderna. But for really big issues, like “how will we ratchet down the living standards of every plebeian on Earth in order to deal with this debt bubble climate change, all of this has already been decided. You’ll get to choose how you want to follow the rules, not whether the rules are fair or even make any sense (it’s called “subsidiarity”).