Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
7 Jun 2014
ECB Rate Cuts and Market Rigging + The Rise of Gold - Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert with Alasdair Macleod
Apartheid Israeli Regime Founded On Terrorism
The Israeli regime has its roots in terrorism with its first leaders being members of terrorist organizations.
“They (Hamas) are labeled as terrorists, but then let’s face it ... Israel was founded on terrorism – all three of the first prime ministers were terrorist members of Irgun, Haganah (Zionist paramilitary organizations) and other terrorist organizations,” Thring said.Commenting on Israel’s settlement activities, the analyst said Tel Aviv’s expansionism is “illegal” under the Geneva Convention, adding that it also constitutes an act of war crime against Palestinians.
“It is actually defined as a war crime to move the occupier’s population into the occupied land. So, Israel is committing war crimes every day by moving people of their ilk into Palestinian territory,” Thring said.
The Biggest Policy Mistake of the Great Recession
By David Dayen: The popular conception of the Great Recession explains that it stemmed from a financial shock. Housing prices stopped going up, and then Lehman Brothers fell, triggering paralysis in the credit markets. This spilled onto Main Street, and the effects still linger in terms of elevated unemployment and sluggish economic growth.
But this history of the recession can’t be right, say two economics professors who have studied the data. In their new book House of Debt, Amir Sufi of the University of Chicago and Atif Mian of Princeton point out that consumer purchases dropped sharply well before the September 2008 Lehman bankruptcy, and most deeply in places where home prices fell the most. They found that steeper declines in net worth — many homeowners were completely wiped out by falling home prices — led to far sharper reductions in consumer spending, and bigger job losses. But even those with no debt suffer when fire-sale foreclosures drop home prices, and lower overall demand spreads out across the country.
By reviewing other economic downturns, Mian and Sufi discover two recurring features: a buildup of household debt before the crash, and an extreme decline in consumer spending afterward, as households cut back, hoarding money to pay off those scaled-up debts. The normal channels of fiscal and monetary policy have difficulty dealing with highly leveraged household balance sheets. House of Debt correlates these features of recessions, and really targets debt as the core problem, arguing that it needs to be restructured during crises and prevented during better times.
By reviewing other economic downturns, Mian and Sufi discover two recurring features: a buildup of household debt before the crash, and an extreme decline in consumer spending afterward, as households cut back, hoarding money to pay off those scaled-up debts. The normal channels of fiscal and monetary policy have difficulty dealing with highly leveraged household balance sheets. House of Debt correlates these features of recessions, and really targets debt as the core problem, arguing that it needs to be restructured during crises and prevented during better times.
Feminists Need To Stop Hurting Children
Genocide Watch: Interview with Adam Jones, Ph.D
Domestic Violence Symposium - Erin Pizzey
GLOBALISM: Every Major Power Is Now In Deceleration Mode And None Of The Solutions Have Worked.
By John Ward: As predicted here during February, May is but a few days behind us,
and already Hillary Clinton is distancing herself from Barack Obama’s
various policy boobs. She has also – as I recorded here and
elsewhere – been of the view that “all economic bets are off after May”
for some time: before that materialises, she will gamble, coming out
against neoliberalism and the banks harder than previously.
In the meantime, Clinton has told the media she was wrong to support
the Iraq invasion (thus not a closet GOP-girl) and said she openly
disagreed with the President’s Syrian policy. She’s quite right in
thinking that these moves will differentiate her from any Republican
candidates, and put clear water between her and the Obama years.
The word I’m getting is that Hillary is still firmly of the view that
the recovery sham is running out of road both here in Europe and over
there in the USA. And this is the bit that still intrigues me: who does
she talk to in order to arrive at this obvious conclusion? The S&P
500 is still rising, and of late there has been yet more drivel around
about ‘permanent measures’ to keep things on the rise.
That can’t be done, but Draghi’s move to ECB negative interest rates
means banks are encouraged (almost forced) to lend more to
business…..and so this too is being talked up by the usual suspects. It
is beyond belief, but then so were the South Sea Bubble and
Million-guilder tulips.
Urine Trouble Now - Employee Evaluation
Selling Your European Stocks Before Everyone Sees This Chart?
By Wolf Richter: Flogging savers until morale improves, that’s how ECB President Mario Draghi is going to fire up the economy in his bailiwick. Among other things, he announced that the ECB would lower key interest rates from nearly nothing to next to nothing and impose negative deposit rates on the reserves that banks stash at the ECB.
The goals beyond destroying savers? Hammering down the euro, but given the efforts by the Fed, the Bank of Japan, and others to hammer down their own currencies, it’s going to be a slog. And motivating over-indebted companies to borrow even more to invest for worthy projects that don’t exist – because if they existed, banks would have gone after them, awash in liquidity as they are.
Savers are going to pay. Prudent behavior is precisely what current monetary policies are trying to stamp out. But savings used to be one of the drivers of real economic growth. Banks would lend that money to be used building a plant or a house, financing inventories, etc., creating economic activity along the way. Banks would attract that money by paying savers some interest. They’d then lend it out at a higher rate. The difference would be the compensation for their role as intermediary and for shouldering the risk of the loans. Now that banksters can get their money from central banksters for free, savers have become the universal punching bag of monetary policy.
The goals beyond destroying savers? Hammering down the euro, but given the efforts by the Fed, the Bank of Japan, and others to hammer down their own currencies, it’s going to be a slog. And motivating over-indebted companies to borrow even more to invest for worthy projects that don’t exist – because if they existed, banks would have gone after them, awash in liquidity as they are.
Savers are going to pay. Prudent behavior is precisely what current monetary policies are trying to stamp out. But savings used to be one of the drivers of real economic growth. Banks would lend that money to be used building a plant or a house, financing inventories, etc., creating economic activity along the way. Banks would attract that money by paying savers some interest. They’d then lend it out at a higher rate. The difference would be the compensation for their role as intermediary and for shouldering the risk of the loans. Now that banksters can get their money from central banksters for free, savers have become the universal punching bag of monetary policy.
Max Keiser Live At The Casa
The Perils Of Our Growing Inequality
INETeconomics: Institute President Rob Johnson interviews David Cay Johnston about his new book, Divided: The Perils of Our Growing Inequality.
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