'Hollywood’s Jews have set up white American gentiles. As Jews have, American blacks now have racial awareness, but white gentiles are not permitted racial awareness.'
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Taki Points Out that the Jews in Hollywood Are Doing the Same Work on White People that the Nazi Filmmakers Did on Jews.
“Hollywood is hard at work in maintaining the myth that everything
that the West has achieved since the Greeks was due to the white man’s
cruelty and ability to steal from the Dark Continent.”
Taki was ill in bed with nothing to do but to watch TV. The
program he watched “takes place out west and the cowboys are all bad,
bullies, criminals, sadists, and worst of all, white. The few black
cowhands are wise, introspective, and very perceptive with their advice.
The victims are the red Indians, sorry, Native tribesmen. One pretty
Indian girl teaches history class, and her opening remarks to a new
class are what a major criminal Christopher Columbus was. But the best
part is the utter awfulness of the whites. They’re greedy, cowardly,
murderous, bullying, dishonest, and I’m talking only of the men. The
white women are drunks, sleep with everything that walks but the horses,
and are very greedy and vengeful. My only thought was thank God I’m
watching this in my own bed. In a movie house I’d probably be lynched
once the lights went on.” https://www.takimag.com/article/the-new-weimar/