5 Apr 2014

MGTOW: The Processed Mentality

"I dread being a processed person. 
...A human being is more than that."
MrDawson38: Our minds and thus our cognitive sense-of-self, has been processed like so much fast food. Our mentality, as well as the thoughts we formulate within it and the reality we perceive externally from it, have been seized and boxed into little cheep packages that are expressed in society as ideas like ideology, religion, politics, and occupation, and drives us to live out our given purpose as ignorant consumer citizens.

We hardly investigate the construction of our confinements or the true form and function of the things we believe in, and it causes definitive collapse in our own self-awareness. Those concepts and precepts given to us like hand-me-down clothes results in too many of us being clueless to our individual and collective potential and have long ago lost the markings within our natural minds that lead to what we ultimately are and can be. And that shit sucks.

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