25 May 2014

Feminists, Pussy, Ego, and a Madman + Public Hysteria Does No Favors

"Feminists confuse PUA (Pick Up Artist) with MRA (Men's Rights Activist)."
AlyssMajere: My condolences go out to the family's and the victims. This was a terrible event, and it saddens me to know that tragedy's like this can never be made right.







Public Hysteria Does No Favors


  1. Funny how many feminist or feminist leaning nutjobs are coming out with claims that Rodger was an MRA. They know he wasn't, no-one could be that stupid that they could confuse pick up artists with the MRM, but they'll latch onto anything to bring the movement into disrepute. I'm convinced that feminists hate the MRM because they are worried that a bunch of guys might get together and talk about women the way that the ideological feminists talk about men, and the irony is they couldn't be more wrong.

    1. I agree, it's clear the feminists are worried about us. It's very gratifying to be part of what is now clearly a mature and unflappable MHRM.

      They got UK F4J to virtually disband almost a decade ago under allegations that some were planning to kidnap the UK PM Tony Bliar's son. It turned out to be agent provocateurs of course, but the damage had been done. I have faith that this time such tactics will be used to our advantage. I feel in this case it will only serve to thrust our movement further into the lame-stream media limelight and get a few more sheeple thinking.
