23 Jun 2014

MHRA: Feminist Contradictions

KellyJones: 1. The ostensible goal of feminism is a political gender equality between all sexes. But feminists believe all males are privileged and oppress females. So the true goal is to oppress all males generally.
2. Feminists believe all men are privileged, yet men grossly outnumber women in prisons, defence forces, work fatalities, and suicides.

3. Feminists believe all men must cede power to women, rather than that women should earn it. But if women have power, they believe the imbalance is men's fault. For instance: (a) they grant that women have sexual power over men, but they don't want sexual power to be ceded to men, but rather, that this power is caused by men's lust and objectification of women. (b) Feminists admit that women express their emotions more than men, and have emotional power, but they don't want this emotional power to be ceded to men, but rather that men ought to learn to express their emotions. (c) They do not recognise that feminism is well-represented in mainstream media while the men's rights movement is not at all represented, but believe the men's rights movement (N.B. not "masculinism", it actually has to be called "men's rights") has to change its agenda to represent women. In other words, they want total domination of society.
4. Feminists hold that women should be free to do whatever they like, but if a woman expresses opinions contrary to feminism, she is regarded as a dupe, traitor, or misogynist.
5. Feminists believe any woman who celebrates her sexuality is either the unwitting victim of male lust and oppression via objectification, or else a true feminist who has "subverted the dominant paradigm".
6. Feminists believe that differences between the sexes' behaviours, such as women typically choosing nurturing roles like healthcare, motherhood, and primary school teaching, is the result of social conditioning --- that is, patriarchal oppression --- rather than biology. If they are shown scientific evidence of biological differences between the sexes in 1-day-old newborns, they deny it is true.
7. Feminists believe women don't systematically choose lower-paying, easier jobs, but that women's lower income is the result of patriarchal oppression and systematic injustice against women. Even though elder siblings have historically been the carers of younger siblings, showing how easy childcare is, feminists believe childcare salaries should be equal to harder jobs.
8. Feminists believe that the reason women typically have lower savings and poorer financial management than men, is from systematic injustice against women, even though they know women love to shop, and that men typically pay alimony and child-support rather than the other way around.
9. Feminists call the men who don't pay child-support for their children "dead beat dads" but ignore the fact that a woman can become pregnant and raise the child, without the consent of her male sex partner. For instance, a woman can lie about taking contraceptives.
10. Feminists claim men have power over women's bodies, yet if no woman is willing to incubate a fertilised gamete for a man, he will never be able to have children. Yet a woman can simply have sex with any man.
11. Feminists claim men have sexual power over women, yet if a woman is unhappy with her husband, she can simply deny sex until she gets what she wants. Women also dress in an overtly sexual way to arouse men, with low cleavage, flashing the sides of their breasts, see-through clothing, very tight-fitting clothing, mini-skirts or hipsters, and stilettos to accentuate the shape of their leg muscles. They deliberately dress this way to excite men.
12. Feminists either praise pornography and prostitution as a female's way of earning a lot of money and taking advantage of men's lust, or in the same breath raise lamentations over her behaviour as a victim of male sexual objectification.
13. Feminists claim to have as many feminist ideologies as there are women, and that there is no such thing as "feminism", despite the obvious united ownership in making such claims.
14. Feminists believe stoicism is merely male suppression of emotions, and the main cause of male mental illness, leading to suicide, recidivism, and general dysfunction of society. Yet this is the precise psychological trait they depend on for men to function in fighting wars, bushfires, search & rescue, in mining, and all other demanding and risky endeavours.
15. Feminists believe any criticism of women must be misogynist, an inciter of hatred and violence against women. But if the speaker of such criticism is female, then they decide the female critic is mentally ill, and block her. If the speaker of such criticism is male, then the male must be a terrorist, and must be silenced.
In other words, feminist ideology is incredibly stupid. Anyone who spends time with the average male would realise he is never in a position of hostile super-agency, but rather is an ordinary duffer struggling to solve problems the best he can. For feminists to drape super-agency onto this bloke, can only mean they haven't a clue how to solve anything themselves, and are utterly reliant on him. That is, feminist ideology is the expression of the mentally retarded and incapable. It is no wonder that men feel they have to look after women, and that there are so many "manginas".
Unfortunately, the resolution of this problem will not come from men trying to help feminists to think more clearly, because feminists are so deeply self-brainwashed that they cannot listen to men. The solution can only come from independent, reasoning, single women, who tell the feminists what whining idiots they are.
Kelly Jones

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