24 Apr 2015

Mangina Judges, Complicit Mothers, Attacking The Greek And Female Sociopathy

By MGTOW-Anon: Feminists live (and love) to quote the dictionary version of feminism and say, "See! Feminism isn't about anti-male hate but rather equality, misogynist!" Yet every day, it becomes more and more clear that feminism is about the hatred of men. To destroy the patriarchy is the real, hyper-gynocentric goal, which is intimately tied to marriage. Why? It is through marriage that women redistribute men's wealth to themselves. Through marriage - women destroy men. The reason women now own the majority of wealth in the US is thanks to their dead husbands, fathers and divorce-raped X husbands. Who created and enforced the anti-male alimony and child support laws at the behest of the gynocracy? White knights, captain-save-a-hos and manginas.
The latest example of anti-male hatred is "yes means yes". Put into law via deeply falsified rape statistics, "yes means yes" essentially means that any college man accused by a campus woman of harassment, assault or rape will be expelled - even if the accusation is made months or years later. Soon, non-campus woman will have the same power over college men. Even if the man presents evidence that the sex was consensual, he will be expelled. There has already been a case where a man was expelled with clear evidence that the sex was consensual and his gender discrimination lawsuit against the mostly women's college was denied by a male, cowardly, white knight, mangina judge (Vassar - Xiaolu Peter Yu).

Mothers, knowing their sons have a high chance of being destroyed through marriage by another woman, still encourage their sons to marry. Why? Because the hatred for men doesn't stop or start with strange men. The hatred for men isn't limited to non-family members. The disposability of sons is demonstrated by male-only selective service. It's OK to send America's boys to their deaths, but not their daughters. Women are the majority of child abusers.

It is imperative that men be warned of the life destruction that can befall them through marriage. This year alone, hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of men will be forced through the man-hating family courts, by their man-hating wives, and destroyed by the mangina/feminist judges. Tens of thousands of those men, upon recognizing that their futures are destroyed, will commit suicide. All of this will occur in a single year.

"Stand by Your Manhood" and "The Manipulated Man" are two of the most important books men will read in their lifetimes. Pass it on. 

By MGTOW-Anon: Feminists do own the colleges now. The reason they're going after the fraternities is because being a member of a frat - especially the Greek frats - means you have a huge advantage in life. Feminists don't like that - so they're trying to either destroy the frats or force them to be co-ed. It's all about destroying the patriarchy (redistributing men's power and wealth to women). They will win. The Rolling Stone piece didn't have anything to do with rape. It's all about money, power and control - and the Greek frats have lots of it. Because of this - feminists will do everything in their power to destroy them. The Rolling Stone debacle was a laser guided attack against Greek frats to force their closure or force them to become co-ed.

Feminists control all of academia now and actively discriminate against men and boys. You'd think they'd want all girl schools. Know why they don't in the case of college? Because they can't run the men's schools if they're all male. Having co-ed everything ensures they can use false rape, sexual assault and harassment to get rid of all the male management and teachers. Feminists do want female only STEM classes however. They already have many and will get more and more.

"Yes Means Yes" has nothing to do with rape. It's all about the redistribution of men's power and wealth to women. It's literally blackmail and extortion through use of fear and/or false accusations. 


With regard to female sociopathy: 
By MGTOW-Anon: Feminists own the colleges now. The reason they're going after the fraternities is because being a member of a frat - especially the Greek frats - means you have a huge advantage in life. Feminists don't like that - so they're trying to either destroy the frats or force them to be co-ed. It's all about destroying the patriarchy (redistributing men's power and wealth to women). They will win. The Rolling Stone piece didn't have anything to do with rape. It's all about money, power and control - and the Greek frats have lots of it. Because of this - feminists will do everything in their power to destroy them. The Rolling Stone debacle was a laser guided attack against Greek frats to force their closure or force them to become co-ed.

Feminists control all of academia now and actively discriminate against men and boys. You'd think they'd want all girl schools. Know why they don't in the case of college? Because they can't run the men's schools if they're all male. Having co-ed everything ensures they can use false rape, sexual assault and harassment to get rid of all the male management and teachers. Feminists do want female only STEM classes however. They already have many and will get more and more.

"Yes Means Yes" has nothing to do with rape. It's all about the redistribution of men's power and wealth to women. It's literally blackmail and extortion through use of fear and/or false accusations. This is the real "rape culture".

Lest we forget - it was the white knights, captain-save-a-hos and manginas of the patriarchy that brought "Yes Means Yes" into being. Obama himself spearheaded this particular destruction of college men.

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