11 Oct 2016

Boys And Ritalin

By Mike Buchanan: Our thanks to SDW for posting the following comment in response to Paul Elam’s [Left] video, The Psychology of Hate. He writes:
Thank you again Mike for the opportunity to raise awareness of this disturbing subject.      In regard to the topic of psychology, psychiatry, and the feminisation of society I would respectfully point any self-respecting genuinely caring and compassionate man (or woman for that matter) in the following direction… Please type into google three simple words :      
‘Boys and Ritalin’.
Then simply read and consider. It’s all there. I would urge all self respecting individuals to consider the role that psychiatry and education is playing in the misappropriation of mental-health ‘care’ practice. Institutionalised malpractice must be identified and corrected wherever it is found. I suggest that the use of psychiatric pharmaceutical remedies for young people is an unacceptible corruption of the process of ‘healthcare’. It is time to take the initiative. The medication and effective sedation and pharmaceutical personality adjustment of growing lads in this society (to suit a predominently female perception of what constitues masculinuty) must stop. Those self-serving individuals who are wilfully diagnosing, prescribing, and supplying toxic pharmaceuticals to children (in this case predominently boys) must be educated: Leave the boys alone if you do not understand them. And better still, involve capable men in the process of mentoring and guiding boys through their formative years.
The education system is predominently a female managed organisation. This is a statistical fact. The guidance of boys in difficulty has become a female biased process. Boys without fathers being raised by single mothers attending schools managed and run by women are struggling to make sense of masculinity and their role as boys and men in the community. We cannot allow their guidance to come almost excusively from women. That is not logical.      I would not expect male teachers and male SEN psychiatrists to coach and lead teenagers girls through puberty. I cannot for the life of me understand why we stand back and let a female-orientated psychiatric and educuation system decide the fate of the current generation of boys.      This is a scandal which we as a society appear to accept on the assumption that ‘care givers’ always ‘know best’. The reality is not that simple. I would go further to suggest that the process of Munchausen by Proxy has taken on an institutionalised form within psychiatry and the education system today. The labelling of children, particularly of boys experiencing social and emotional difficulty, is a reflection of the ineffective pastoral leadership prevalent within our culture. To blame and drug boys because they are socially and emotionally confused is outrageous and as responsible men we have a duty to stand up and defend the young men of our community, and to protect them from a systematic feminist-based gender-biased socio-politically motivated psychiatric education policy.      These appear to be harsh statements. Many women are doing their absolute best with good intention to provide a balanced experience for boys and girls. However the element of masculine influence and guidance within eduation and psychiatry determine that tjose good intentions are not necessarily direction official policy in either field.      I would reasonably emphasise that the objective of education, and psychiatry within education, is to raise self-awarenes and to empower developiing individuals. It is not intended to subdue, to submit, or to control the behaviour of individuals whether male, female, young, or old.      In order to have self-awareness and understanding it is necessary to have clarity of thought. Faith in one’s own capacity to fulfil ones own potential is the most important element towards fulfilling one’s own potential. The developement of autonomy depends on having faith in ones own decision making ability. The prescribing of drugs to ‘fix’ a child’s behaviour or perceptions is counter-productive and prevents that childs ability to acheive an understanding of self-control and responsibility in the interest of the self and others. It actually creates a culture of reliance and dependance on others.      I would repeat my gratitude in conclusion. Thankyou for reading these words and for taking the time to consider the content here. The younger generation need our support in their journey towards effective lives of contentment.      With Concern and Best Regards SDW.


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