4 Oct 2017

Not One Stone Will Be Left Upon Another

"Women whether Jewish or gentile
are the new shills of Jewish hegemony"
Ex-Jew Nathanael said. "The struggle for world power unites two seemingly conflicting forces into full international engagement, globalisation and Jewish nationalism. Bolshevism may be extinct who's goal was the obliteration of national distinctiveness, but globalisation has taken its seat, both are Jewish affairs driven by a supremacist will to place one and only one racial and religious national entity, while all others are obliterated, at the world's head whose tentacles reach far beyond the borders of Israel. It should come as no surprise then that David Cameron of England called his chief rabbi Johnathan Sach, 'my rabbi' and the rabbi of all the citizens of that once Christian nation. ...All else enter under the crosshairs of Jewry's martial arm, the US military."

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