5 Nov 2017

International Men’s Day

By International Women’s Day, International Day of the Girl Child, International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, International Widows Day, International Day of Rural Women, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
These are all the days pertaining to females recognised by the United Nations.
There are none for men and/or boys. In fact, the unofficially recognised International Men’s Day (19th November) is celebrated by the U.N. as World Toilet Day. Apparently the contribution men and boys have made to the world are unremarkable and  the following issues are unworthy of being marked and struggled against:
7 males are circumcised for every female globally.
Globally, of 72 million children out of school, 46% are boys. In the developed world,  boys struggle more at school, are more likely to be excluded or drop out and less likely to go to university, boys born in 2016 are 75% less likely to go to university than girls (U.K.), they also can be expected to see less success there if they do.
They are the majority of workplace  and combat deaths, homicides and suicides.
They die younger and yet far less money is spent in researching “male illnesses” as compared to “female illnesses”.
Men are the majority of the homeless.
There is still, over half a century after the invention of the Pill, no hormonal contraceptives available to men wishing to avoid pregnancy.
When there is  a baby, it is often up to the grace of the mother whether or not the father  gets  to have a meaningful input into their child’s life- and if she decides against it fathers have little sway in the secretive, ideological, morally bankrupt family courts.
If a man desires not to be father, while a woman can choose to abort, have their child adopted or even abandon them; If she decides to keep the baby, he has no legal option to opt out of the responsibility.
Men experience domestic abuse at a rate similar to women and find that police are often unwilling to help them and that services for them just don’t exist.
Men find prejudice in the Criminal Justice System where sentences are far greater for men than women.
Governments and global organisations like the UN have special departments (as well as events) for women and girls  and yet nothing for men and boys faced with complementary challenges.
And on top of all this, men are subjected to contempt in the public square on a scale unimaginable for women. This misandry can be seen in the media, in interpersonal interactions, education and even in the law with toxic, man-hating feminist beliefs written into bills and public policy.
But, hey, as a wise man once said: “fuck ‘em”, fuck the U.N. because International Men’s Day is going ahead and; in  London, we’re saying fuck you to the institutionalised hate filled supremacy movement that is the weaponised branch of gynocentrism that entrenches neglect/contempt for men, boys and their issues (aka feminism)- because the Men’s Day March Committee is  putting on two proudly pro-masculine, anti-feminist events this IMD in London.
We’re kicking off proceedings with a March for Men that’ll take us from Trafalgar Square, past the Royal Courts of Justice and onto Parliament carrying purple balloons with labels for us to write our own personal messages about men, boys and masculinity.
We’re then moving on to a conference with 13 speakers, none of whom are friendly to feminism:
We have a special film being prepared by Fidelbogen, the strict anti-feminist philosopher. He will be delivering a piece on strategy for dealing with feminism.
We have Joanna Williams, author of Women vs Feminism. Jo has questioned the very need for a Men’s Day (as well as a women’s day) and will be talking about the need for men and women to work together, appreciate each other and give up the competition over who is most oppressed.
We have Mike “Doctor Randomercam” Stephenson, Honey Badger. He will be discussing: why men are funny, but not happy.
Mike Buchanan, leader of the Justice for Men and Boys (and the women who love them) Party, prolific author and organiser of the International Conference on Men’s Issues. He will be making the case that male genital mutilation is not only abhorrent but also illegal in the U.K.
Richard Elliot, who brought The Red Pill to the U.K. He is to deliver a speech on tactics for the M.R.M.
Belinda Brown, anti-feminist writer and researcher. She will be promoting the role of fathers.
Will Franken, the finest comedian in the U.K. and social critic who will be exploring masculinity.
Jordan Holbrook, M.R.A. blogger, vlogger, and researcher. He is to present his research on the human gender empathy gap.
Neil Lyndon, author of the first U.K. mainstream media article that attacked the feminist narrative and raised men’s issues, as well as the book No More Sex War (to be found in this collection). He will be advocating for the role of women in securing men’s rights and well being and calling for a Family Union to uphold the fundamental interests of men and women.
Adam Bulford, M.R.A. Honey Badgers contributor and founder of the Men’s Rights Community Facebook group. He will explore how the feminist definition of patriarchy continues to demonise men and in doing so justifies anti-male discrimination and obscures men’s problems and the harms that they suffer.
Mark Pearson, who came to the movement after being falsely accused of sexual assault, will be updating us on the status of the case he has against British Transport Police for their farcical handling of the original case.
William Styles, who tried and failed to set up a Men’s Forum at Plymouth University, will be relating his experiences.
And Steve Moxon, author of The Woman Racket and Sex Differences Explained (as well as many scientific papers) will be exploding feminist myths about inter-personal violence with the latest science.
So, there will be a  mix of issues being raised as well as celebrations of masculinity and it’s set to be a great day all round with plenty of food for thought- and action. You can find out more about our events at our site and buy tickets here. I hope to see you there, but if you can’t make it, we will also be uploading footage from the events to our YouTube channel.


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