15 Apr 2022

Wait… Did They Just Admit That? + They Know It's Over + You Were Right: They Lied

“A freshman at a university is asking more pertinent, germane and important questions than the entire corporate and legacy media. …The young enquiring mind asks questions and the establishment shuts it down.”

Russell Brand: As a viral video last week showed college students in Chicago challenging journalists over the Hunter Biden business dealings, and more revelations around Russiagate come to light, why are the mainstream media not responding to the growing lack of trust in their narratives?

Documents Pfizer Was Forced To Release Prove Pfizer Knew That The “Vaccine” Was DEADLY Especially For The YOUNG

Natural immunity works - Pfizer Documents Show High Rate of Myocarditis - Pfizer Knew About Immunosuppression - Fully Vaxxed Are More Likely to Die From COVID

By Dr. Joseph Mercola: With another batch of 11,000 Pfizer documents, released April 1, 2022, old suspicions have gained fresh support. As reported by “Rising” cohost Kim Iversen (video above), the first bombshell revelation is that natural immunity works, and Pfizer has known it all along.

The Assange Case Invalidates US & UK Criticisms Of Russia: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

'Never let anyone shame you for focusing your criticisms on the worlds most powerful and destructive government. It’s not strange and suspicious that you do that, it’s strange and suspicious that more people don’t.'

By Caitlin Johnstone: If you’ve been following the news about Ukraine but still don’t understand that it’s the single most aggressively narrative managed and psyop-intensive war in human history, there is a 100 percent chance you believe false things about what’s happening there.

It’s not a question of if the US played a role in Imran Khan’s removal but how and to what extent.

We’re about to see a judge sign off on Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States for exposing the empire’s war crimes while that same empire blasts us all in the face with an unprecedented war propaganda campaign about rescuing Ukraine’s freedom and democracy.

“Russia must be held accountable for its war crimes,” said the empire while imprisoning a journalist for trying to hold it accountable for war crimes.

Just the fact that the US and UK are imprisoning a journalist for exposing the war crimes of a war criminal president—just that one fact by itself—completely invalidates all criticisms of Russia from Washington and its allies.

10-Sigma Event: 40% Surge In Working Age Deaths

Chris discusses huge increases in deaths being reported by the funeral home and life insurance industries alike.

"The West Needs WWIII" - Martin Armstrong Warns "There's No Return To Normal Here"

"The Biden Administration has deliberately destroyed the world economy..."

By Greg Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong thinks the New World Order’s so-called “Great Reset” plan for humanity now needs war to try and make it work. 

It could happen in the next few weeks. 

Armstrong explains, “What they are trying to do is deliberately poke the bear..."

"They are increasing the pressure on just about everything under the sun.  The West needs World War III.  They just need it.  The real problem here is they went to negative interest rates in 2014 in Europe.  They have been unable to stimulate the economy, and Keynesian economics have completely failed...

I would say this is mismanagement of government on a global scale.  The problem is that central banks have no control over the economy. 

Add to this, this type of inflation is substantially different than a speculative boom.  This inflation is based upon shortages.  These morons with covid... with lockdowns, ended up destroying the supply chains...

The Deeper Reason For Current World Events

Moment Of Clarity with Lee Camp

"In Ukraine Americans soldiers are in charge on the ground of Ukraine's troops! I saw it with my own eyes." -French journalist.

Why Jew Zelensky’s Dream Of Ukraine Becoming ‘Big Israel’ Makes Moscow Nervous

The Ukrainian president’s comparison bolsters Moscow’s claim that Kyiv is intent on a programme of violentde-Russification

By Jonathan Cook: The Israeli government has been trying to keep as low a profile as possible over the war in Ukraine, but Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, seems determined to drag Israel on to centre stage.

Zelensky made a direct appeal to the Israeli parliament last month, ostensibly asking for weapons, especially the Iron Dome interception system Israel uses to stop short-range rockets fired out of Gaza by Palestinians trying to draw attention to Israel’s 15-year siege of the enclave.

But rather than being flattered by the attention, many Israeli politicians objected to Zelensky’s speech. In it, he compared Russia’s treatment of Ukraine to the Nazis’ “Final Solution” for European Jews.

Zelensky, who is Jewish, hoped the parallel would strike home. To most Israeli ears, it sounded offensive. So far Israel has refused to supply Ukraine with weapons or join the West in waging economic warfare on Russia.

Ignoring Russian Warnings, Biden Administration Escalates In Ukraine

"The deep state and the deep corruption of the state itself!"

Dr. Ron Paul: As the Russian deputy foreign minister warns that US and NATO weapons sent to Ukraine to target the Russian military will be attacked, the Biden Administration has called a meeting with the eight largest US weapons manufacturers to see how they can ramp up production for Ukraine. The Biden Administration is moving the US toward direct conflict even as it says it won't put US boots on the ground. Also today, why are media pundits who also work for military contractors not forced to reveal who is paying them?