13 Jun 2016

Tony Greenstein: Sayan Or An Anti Zionist?

By Gilad Atzmon: In his submission to the Chakrabarti Inquiry into Anti Semitism within the Labour party, Jewish ethnic activist Tony Greenstein confirms his role as an Israeli Sayan.
"As a Jewish anti-Zionist," writes the Zionist stooge "I played a prominent role in politically isolating Gilad Atzmon, an ex-Israeli jazz player who won the BBC jazz record of the year in 2003." But it doesn't end there.
The Anti Zionist Zionist (AZZ) lists a few ultra Zionist credentials to support his case:
"Even Jonathan Freedland, a Zionist who has played a prominent role in making false allegations of anti-Semitism, spoke of my ‘admirable stance on Gilad Atzmon’. Jamie Slavin of the Board of Deputies of British Jews made similar comments yet this has not stopped the Labour Party suspending me for ‘anti-Semitism’."

Needless to mention that I have never been involved in politics.
I have never been a member of the PSC or any other organisation. My intellectual  and musical careers were never affected by those tribal campaigns. 
Quite the opposite: It was the desperate campaigns by Tony Greenstein, Moshe Machover and Max Blumenthal that pulled the necessary attention to my work into Jewish power and the duplicitous nature of Jewish 'left.'
To read Tony Greenstein's submission click here

1 comment:

  1. Two Jew haters fight, who is BIGGER Jew Hater.
    Atzmon "I have never been involved in politics."
    I guess he forgot to take his medication when he wrote that.....
    and the other Loony Greenstein....As a Jewish asshole....

    Guess both have to stay in the same mental institution, at list the workers will have some fun.
