What type of democracy is it where the citizens are educated not to understand the economy or the law on which they are supposed to vote and influence? An oligarco-bank-ocracy?
What type of democracy is it that preserves the rights of the few, superstars and financial pharmaceutical company backers, generally the super rich 0.01%, with patent laws allowing the taxpayers (the rest of us) to be literally extorted by staggering amounts for the tiniest quantities of minerals often worth pennies? A National Hasten us to our death and financial ruin Service-ocracyocracy?
What type of democracy, instead of printing its own money for free, has allowed private individuals to set up a bank and pretend it is part of the government, like the "Bank of England" and "The US Federal Reserve" (convincing names are they not?) and then allows that group of private bankers and their progeny in perpetuity to have the sole right to print our currency and then sell it back to the rest of us with interest? A fucked-ocracy.
What type of democracies result in governments around the world printing money in a race to see who can hoist debt to the furthest generation down the line from the present as if it were some kind of bleeping competition?
No real democracies at all would act like this. Puppet democracies that are ruled by a very select few at the top who have over centuries engineered and ended up with all the cash as is quite natural for us all to wish to do. No conspiracy. It is just where we have ended up.
So they have got away with it since kings and many queens too and so on Rothchild's blah blah until today. What to do? Their necks are no thicker than ours. We have, as my main man Stefan of Freedomain Radio might say, "only to see the farm to be free of it."
When the people decide, the heads of those that were once all powerful are easily lopped and their wealth redistributed and their wrongs corrected.
We need a few good ones to lead. And it is my fear that they have conspired to hoist us with a society were we are ill equipped with good ones to do so. We are tied and waisted by their red tape. We need to demonstrate on mass. We are long overdue a revolution in the west. It is time for us to snap out of the coma into which we have fallen and demonstrate on mass to reverse this disastrous situation.
May I suggest that we used to have a certain reverence for eccentricity in the UK which was the hight of wisdom. Alex Jones is a good nutter, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert are also smart and good nutters and there are many more that have appeared out of the woodwork. None have it all right but there is a consensus on the obvious idiocy pointed out above. These are the people of the hour.