By Mike Whitney: Susan
Abulhawa’s blistering speech at the Oxford Union was the most ferocious
indictment of Israel in the last decade. Author Abulhawa—who is a
long-term human rights activist—summarized the iniquitous history of the
Jewish state in a few succinct paragraphs while shedding light on the
obscene toxic ideology that has permeated the nation’s doctrine from the
very beginning. Abulhawa ignored the fictitious claim that Israel was
created to provide safety and security for the Jewish people and,
instead, showed that the country’s founders were maniacally focused on
seizing land while expelling or exterminating the indigenous population.
Ethnic cleansing and land theft are not an unavoidable response to
sporatic Palestinian violence, but the cornerstones of the pernicious
dogma that animates the Zionist state. Needless to say, Abulhawa’s
presentation was met with riotous applause that lasted for more than
three minutes as the audience expressed their appreciation for her
heartfelt testimony. Here’s part of what she said:
When I was in Gaza, I saw a little boy no more than 9 years whose hands and part of his face, had been blown off from a booby trapped can of food that soldiers had left behind for Gaza’s starving children. I later learned that they had also left poisoned food for people in Shujaiyya, and in the 1980s and 90s, Israeli soldiers had left booby trapped toys in southern Lebanon that exploded when excited children picked them up.