"The two tier system of policing was also on full display!"
Paul Joseph Watson
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act, so let us salute those who disclose the necessary facts.
"The two tier system of policing was also on full display!"
Paul Joseph Watson
"The effects of mass migration and open borders is what's going on."
By Tyler Durden: European countries on the front lines, such as Greece and Italy, have been overwhelmed with migrants over the years due to failed open-border policies facilitated by radical leftist politicians. These unaccountable leaders (elected & unelected) have created the perfect storm of migrant crime and chaos across the continent.
Just a fraction of the Brits murdered by foreigners recently.
— iamyesyouareno (@iamyesyouareno) August 3, 2024
And they expect zero pushback from that? pic.twitter.com/rP9uj292AA
We Love Africa: BRICS calls on the Middle East to stop using the US dollar for oil trade.
What if we tell you that Russia and Brics have decided to hit the dollar where it hurts the most? What if we tell you that Russian President Vladimir Putin and other Brics leaders are carrying out a secret mission to gradually get the dollar ditched by all that matters?
Well, for that, Brics has to ensure that the powerhouse of the dollar no longer remains. But what is this powerhouse? What’s the force that encourages everyone in the world to use only the dollar and no other currency? Well, that’s the petro-dollar economy where all oil trade has to be made in dollars. That’s the deal Saudi Arabia made, being the leader of the Middle East, as the second biggest oil producer in the world.
"She has a potty mouth,
but does she have a point?"
Candace Owens: Lilly Gaddis became an overnight sensation when she used the n-word in a TikTok cooking video. I chat with her to discuss her reaction to the viral video and her plans for the future.
Decline is a process, not a moment...
Authored by Sam Bidwell: There is an old — and rather grotesque — fable about the best way to boil a frog. Turn up the temperature too quickly, and the agile amphibian will simply hop out of the pot — but turn up the temperature gradually, and the frog won’t even realise that it’s being boiled until it’s too late. Though science has conclusively proven that this old wives’ tale isn’t actually true, it nevertheless serves as a useful case study for how quickly we can become inoculated against challenging or unpleasant circumstances.
like our froggy friends, the British people are being gradually induced
into a dangerous “new normal”, in which criminality, disorder, and
personal tragedy are part and parcel of life in this country.
As a result of our failed policies on crime, immigration, and
integration over the past thirty years, we have gradually transitioned
from one of the world’s safest societies to a country in which
criminality is the norm. There is a risk that the public becomes used to
this new reality, and stops expecting politicians to address the root
causes of disorder.
Rather than reacting to the slow drip-feed of news stories on an individual basis, it can be informative to step back and take a holistic view. In just the past few weeks, the headlines have been dominated by events which, in the aggregate, point to a precipitous decline in public order.
On July 11th, the new Labour government announced that 5,000 prisoners would be released early, in order to ease prison overcrowding. On July 15th, reports emerged that London’s once-great Metropolitan Police had failed to solve a single burglary, phone theft, or car theft in 166 London neighbourhoods over the past three years.
... the “disinformation empire” threatened America and would need to be dealt with by the Department of Homeland Security
Authored by Paul Thacker:
The Simposio Internacional de Actualización en Pediatría (International Symposium of Pediatric Updates) later removed the interview from YouTube although photos can still be found on Facebook.
In clips of Hotez’s interview that continue to circulate on X, he claims “anti-vaxxers” caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in the United States. I uploaded one clip to my YouTube channel which you can watch here:
What I’ve said to the Biden administration is, the health sector can’t solve this on its own. We’re going to have to bring in Homeland Security, the Commerce Department, Justice Department to help us understand how to do this.
'It is now axiomatic that there is no two state solution and that apartheid Israel must be completely dismantled as an entity.'
24 hours Israel has murdered the man with whom it would need to
negotiate hostage release in the short term and political settlement in
the long term, and a key figure in its most dangerous potential military
enemy which has refrained from full-on war.
In doing so it has violated the territory, indeed the capitals, of two crucial regional states.
Israel has also taken a policy decision that the mass rape of detainees by soldiers – and, somewhat strangely, homosexual rape in particular – is acceptable in war and not to be punished.
Ironically Israel has also underlined its genocidal intent in Gaza by proving that it has the technical ability to carry out targeted attacks, and that the flattening of entire cities with 2,000lb bombs and the massacre of tens of thousands of innocents has been a policy choice.
The western media appears paralysed by this. I have seen virtually no serious comment or analysis. Nor has anybody pointed out the contrast between Israel’s lies about mass rape on October 7 and Israel’s now-admitted policy of tolerating rape of detainees.
'Be aware that “organic” or other certifications do not necessarily mean lower heavy metal content. In fact, organic products may have higher concentrations, according to the study.'
Authroed by Sina McCullough: Is your favorite dark chocolate bar harboring a hidden health risk? A new study published on July 31 in Frontiers in Nutrition suggests that some popular dark chocolate products may contain concerning levels of heavy metals, particularly lead and cadmium.
Dark chocolate, long touted for its potential health benefits due to its high antioxidant content, has faced scrutiny in recent years due to reports of heavy metal contamination. Consumer media outlets and independent testing agencies, including Consumer Reports and As You Sow, have previously highlighted this issue.
“I believe that the real war is yet to truly start, and that is the war to erase the globalists from existence. They want us to fight overseas in endless quagmires in the hopes we will die out. And when we do, there will be no one left to oppose them…”
Authored by Brandon Smith: If the year of 2024 has proven anything so far, it’s that our worries about the potential outbreak of WWIII are absolutely reasonable. The skeptics making accusations of “conspiracy theory” and “doom and gloom” have been proven wrong yet again. The geopolitical atmosphere is turning sour fast.
I still don’t think a lot of people realize how truly volatile the situation is globally right now. From my point of view, WWIII has already begun, at least in economic terms.
Let’s not forget the fact that Ukraine is essentially a proxy for all of NATO against Russia. And, the situation in the Middle East is about to become much worse. Because of the alliances involved and the fragile nature of global energy exports there is a danger of systemic collapse should a wider war break out between Israel and multiple Arab nations. It appears that such a war is imminent.