17 Aug 2024

Understanding What Motivates White Ultra-Orthodox Neo-Jews' Attacks On Christians & Muslims

The particular beliefs of Israels white ultra-orthodox neo-Jews explain their disgusting behaviour toward their non-Jewish neighbours.

By Allan Brownfeld: Consider the widely quoted statement of Israel’s Sephardic Chief rabbi Ovadiah Joseph.  He declared that the only reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve Jews.  His funeral in 2013 was considered the largest ever in Israel—-with crowd estimates reaching 800,000.  He is commemorated on Israeli postage stamps and many streets bear his name.

Another rabbinical hero to Jewish West Bank land thieves is Rabbi A.I. Kook.  He said of Jews, “We are of a much higher and greater spiritual order.”

Most Americans, including Jewish Americans, are unaware of the narrowness  and bigotry which characterizes  Israel’s state-supported religious establishment.

Most Americans believe that Israel embraces religious freedom and separation of religion and state.  Sadly, this is not the case.  Israel has a taxpayer-supported religion, which is ultra-Orthodox Judaism.  Most Jewish Americans are not Orthodox.  Their Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist and other rabbis cannot perform weddings or conduct funerals in Israel. Their conversions are not recognized.

For American taxpayers to support an enterprise which embraces religious bigotry is to turn our backs on our highest values.

For a different Jewish view about Israel, religious freedom and the treatment of Palestinians, see the website of the American Council for Judaism:


What Are The Jewish Israel Apartheid Regime Settlements And Why Are They Illegal Under International Law?

Middle East Eye: Today more than 700,000 settlers – 10 percent of Israel’s 7 million Jewish population – now live in 150 illegal settlements and 128 outposts dotting the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Activists and legal specialists have argued that settlements are a major obstacle to the peace process, fragmenting the occupied West Bank and causing profound hardship in Palestinian life. And yet settlements, backed by the Israeli government, continue to expand. So what exactly are they?

ICJ Says BDS Is Moral Obligation + Nord Stream Update Shocker!

Lee Camp reports on several breaking news stories including the shock Nord Stream pipeline update, the new terrible news for Israel, and much more!

Can Woke Hollywood Be Unburdened By What Has Been?


Usha Vance Doesn't Like Her Husband? Pearl Reacts To Usha Vance's VP Introduction Speech


Slimy Jews Stun World By Saying US, UK, France Will Assist In Offensive Strikes On Iran

'Neither of these countries have openly proclaimed they are ready to launch direct attacks on Iran.

By Tyler Durden: Israel just upped the ante in its showdown with Iran amid ongoing concerns that an attack from the Islamic Republic could still be imminent in retaliation for the July 31st assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz said Friday that he expects not only the US but also its allies Britain and France to assist in offensive operations against Iran if it attacks. Katz conveyed the comments while meeting British Foreign Secretary David Lammy and French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné, in a bit of a risky diplomatic preemptive move given neither of these countries have openly proclaimed they are ready to launch direct attacks on Iran.

The Israeli FM was invoking the example of the United States, and said "that Israel expects France and Britain to publicly clarify to Iran that it is unacceptable for it to attack Israel and that if Iran attacks, the US-led coalition will join Israel not only in defense but also in an attack against significant targets in Iran."

It's as yet unclear whether even Washington has signed onto this, though it has moved significant Pentagon assets including an aircraft carrier strike group and submarine into regional waters.

BBC Persia Propaganda, The Jews' Fajr Massacre In Gaza And More On Regional Escalation

Jew Nobbled BBC = British Brainwashing Cunts

vanessa beeley: The format of yesterday’s UK Column News is not the normal one, we had technical issues and needed to improvise.

I cover the BBC Persian propaganda war against Iran, the appalling Fajr massacre carried out by the Zionist forces on 10th August - the slaughter of 100 civilians, most of them children, and the injuring of 280 more, many of whom will die from their wounds in the battered Gaza enclave, or suffer permanent disability. The final report takes a look at the potential for escalation despite all the deliberate confusion being sowed by Israel, legacy media and Western regimes and their allies.

Bombshell: Cholesterol Is GOOD For Your Arteries & Statins Are Harmful!

Jimmy Dore: As Americans we know from our media that China is a totalitarian police state where citizens have no rights, but they may have a different idea of what the term “police state” means. One set of travelers tells the remarkable story of the extraordinary efforts local Chinese police officers pursued to retrieve a lost jacket. 

In this segment Jimmy and Kurt Metzger discuss some of the lies we’ve been told about how harmful cholesterol is and the major downsides of taking statins.


"Even looking at a riot can get you in trouble!"
Russell Brand

The Digital Revolution Is Satan’s Master Weapon

'Nuclear weapons will destroy our lives by physically destroying us and the digital revolution by destroying our freedom.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: UPDATE: 2.9 billion records, including Social Security numbers, stolen in data hack: What to know https://www.aol.com/2-9-billion-records-including-133227591.html?guccounter=1

Readers know that I am death on the digital revolution. I regard it as an equivalent disaster to the creation of nuclear weapons. Both can, and most likely will, destroy our lives, nuclear weapons by physically destroying us, and the digital revolution by destroying our freedom.

The digital revolution is the foundation, already in place, for the police state, and it will be a total police state far worse than the one in George Orwell’s 1984. The fact that the nerds who came up with the digital revolution were too stupid to see the consequences indicates that tech people are really not very smart. Whenever man plays God disaster results.

For the last three days I have been experiencing digital Hell. The Internet has been down for three days and there is no information. The company provides such minimum customer service that it has been difficult even to reach a robot. You have to leave a number for a call back as “all our representatives are busy helping other customers.” When the call comes you learn that there is an outage in a large area and given an estimated repair time. They put you on a message list for cell phone texts. The repair time estimates lengthened four times from August 13 into August 14 and have now ceased. The morning of the 14th a text informed me that my service was restored. It wasn’t. I called the service provider who, after a call back, eventually was able to confirm that the service was not restored.

