28 Sept 2024

Memes Of The Week - MGTOW

"Since no fault divorce, she's not your girl, it's just your turn."


'Conspiracy' Confirmed! Fluoride In Drinking Water Lowers Kids' IQs And Makes Adults More Stupid Too US Judge Rules

A federal judge has ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to further regulate the industrial waste fluoride that they put into our drinking water because it poses a risk to the intellectual development of children and dumbs down adults.

Authored by Ben Sellers: The ruling, which came with little fanfare, appeared to validate one of the longest-running so-called conspiracy theories in America’s alt-right subculture—that the government’s use of fluoridation, especially in specific communities, might be part of a deliberate attempt to lower intelligence in order to create a more compliant and subservient population for the New World Order.

It follows a series of recent vindications for skeptics after propagandist media have been proven wrong in falsely declaring things like COVID vaccine hesitancy, the Russia-collusion hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop coverup and the Joe Biden mental acuity coverup/coup to be baseless “conspiracy theories” right up until the point that they were proven true.

If former President Donald Trump were to be reelected and allow Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to declassify files related to his family, several other such theories surrounding significant 20th-century milestones might also be exposed, including the decision to force out then-President Richard Nixon for threatening to reveal who killed his one-time campaign rival, former President John F. Kennedy.

U.S. District Judge Edward Chen said that mounting research points to an unreasonable risk from fluoride. He ordered the EPA to take steps to lower that risk, but didn’t say what those measures should be.

Turkey’s President SHOCKS The Zio Shill West By Fiercely Calling Out US & Israel At The "Dysfunctional" UNGA

"All of us in the human family must fulfil our obligation to the Palestinian people without further ado."

The Africa News Network

Humiliating Double Resignation SHAKES Germany

"The greens electorally are being consistently decimated across Europe."
Michael Heaver: "Germany: Green co-leaders Lang and Nouripour resign"

Worst Interview I've Ever Seen

That Preston Journalist

Charlie Kirk Debates Leftist Gen Z

"Do not be a SIMP!"
