20 Sept 2024

What Fresh Hell Is This?

m o d e r n i t y



USA: The Blame Shift Is Hitting The Fan

Somebody's lying by the seat of their pants-on-fire...

Authored by Jenna McCarthy: When my childhood best friend Robbie was around five, an irresistible bit of artistic inspiration struck. Robbie decided to express this creative urge by decorating a billboard sized section of the family’s living room wall with crayons. Amid the colorful squiggles and scribbles, he wrote the very best word he knew as large as he could write it: ROBBIE.

It was a masterpiece.

“Not too bright, kid,” his older brother Mike snickered when he saw Robbie’s installment.

“Why not?” Robbie wondered aloud. He thought it was rather perfect.

“Because you wrote your name. Now Mom’s going to know you did it.”

According to family lore, when Mom later discovered Robbie’s handiwork, he had deftly scratched out his name and replaced it with another, even larger word he also knew well: MOM. His thinking, of course, was obviously she’ll think she did it.

(Robbie is a legend.)

I find this story a comical analogy for today’s warped political landscape, with democrats scribbling DICTATOR and FASCIST and WARMONGERING and THREAT TO DEMOCRACY all over everything they touch and then crossing out DEMOCRAT and replacing it with REPUBLICAN *maybe nobody will notice*.

In psychological circles, the tactic is called projectionand it’s used to deflect suspicion, criticism, and accountability.

What Edward Snowden Just Said About Israel-Hezbollah Is SHOCKING, Pay Attention!

Russell Brand

Guess Who’s Back? Candace Owens Is Out Of YouTube Jail + WHAT Did Diddy Do To Justin Bieber?!

"Step aside but plug selling zios!"
Candace Owens: A Hayden Panettiere interview with People leaves people enraged, an interesting story develops with American University in Beirut following the pager attack in Lebanon, and I'm officially back on Youtube!

Modern Slavery: Exposing The Globalist Scam

...the globalist plan. GBI will make everyone a welfare slave. MMT will make everyone a debt slave. WTO will make everyone a wage slave. The super-capitalists will get even richer and the politicians will take their share.

Authored by James Rickards: Yesterday, the Fed did what I predicted it would do and cut interest rates. The “pivot” has finally arrived, ending the rate hike cycle that began in March 2022.

I’ll have much more to say about it going forward, but today, I want to talk about the dangerous globalist threats to our freedoms that we presently face. Let’s start with a question:

Do you know these initials: GBI, MMT, WTO? If you do, you understand the neoliberal globalist effort to make sovereign governments obsolete and effectively harness the population of the developed world in a kind of slavery to mega-corporations and soulless wealth managers.

If not, here’s your opportunity to learn how the world works.

GBI stands for guaranteed basic income. It’s a kind of government welfare with no questions asked. It’s a 21st-century version of the ancient Roman dole that handed out free grain to poor citizens to keep them contented.

Along with grain (later bread), Rome provided free games such as gladiator contests and chariot racing. This combination caused the Roman poet Juvenal to refer to Roman public policy as “bread and circuses.” Today, we have the NFL.

The idea behind GBI is that there’s not enough value-added work to employ the population. But if everyone were unemployed, there would be no consumption and no economy.

World Demands End To Evil Jews' Illegal Occupation Of Multi-Faith Palestine, In Landslide UN Vote

GER: The vast majority of the world voted at the UN General Assembly to demand an end to Israel's unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory within 12 months, with 124 countries (64%) in favor, 14 (7%) against, and 43 (22%) abstentions. Ben Norton analyzes the geopolitics of the vote, and how the US and most of the West is violating international law.

Former British Ambassador Craig Murray: 'The West Is Deeply Complicit In Genocide Of Palestine'

Here is a summary of the speech in the video below of former British Ambassador Craig Murry describing the transition of Britain and the West in general into Tyranny

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The UK has criminalized dissent.
A new Public Order Act makes it illegal to hold a rally or demonstration if it “inconveniences” anyone. This gives the state unlimited power to clamp down on any demonstration.

A new National Security Act makes it illegal to accept funding if it comes from “a hostile state” (there is no definition of what qualifies as a “hostile state”)
A new Public Safety Act makes it a criminal offense to publish “misinformation” (there is no definition of “misinformation” — the government decides).

It is all about control of the narrative. Zionist lobbies have great influence on official narratives across the West. 

Citizens of the West are not allowed to accuse Israel of genocide; this is increasingly being equated with being a “terrorist”.

Anti-terrorism powers are being used to prevent any criticism of Israel.

Murray, a former British Ambassador, was arrested at the airport under the “Terrorism Act” for attending a pro-Palestine demonstration in Iceland.
Under the Terrorism Act, if you are arrested at an airport, you have no right to remain silent, no right to a lawyer, you must turn over all your electronic devices with the passwords.
If you refuse to turn over your electronic devices, it is two years in prison.
Two years in prison for refusing to answer a question.

Many people are being detained under anti-terrorist legislation, including a professor from Paris and several independent journalists, who all have been detained as was Murray.