18 Aug 2024

Torture Survivor Finds Corpse Of His 4-Year-Old Son

“Hold your family close every night, hoping it won’t be the last time.” 

Because the Jews are coming!!!

Dr. Areej Hijazi: This is the tragic story of Darwish Qandil, a 46-year old friend of my father. I recount it in Darwish’s words:

My siblings and I lived in a three-story house in Khan Younis. We stayed in it despite the bombing and explosions we heard around us from the actions of the Israeli military. There were 28 people in the house, including five women, 18 children and five men.

Around 9 am on 5 December 2023, we were surrounded by a barrage of gunfire, so we ran to the basement. We realized that Israeli soldiers had stormed the house when we heard voices speaking in Hebrew and gunshots in the upper apartments.

The soldiers continued firing for 15 minutes. As the gunfire inside the house intensified and the sound of explosions surrounded us, the women started screaming and the children crying. The Israeli occupation forces realized people were in the basement due to the sounds, so they descended and started firing in the basement.

My eldest brother began shouting loudly in English: “We have children and women.”

One of the soldiers responded in English: “How many of you are there?”

At that moment, a soldier who spoke Arabic ordered us to come out with our hands raised, with women and children exiting first. The women and children were placed in a room on the ground floor.


My four brothers and I were put under the staircase. Our hands were tied in front of us with plastic cuffs, and our eyes were blindfolded with cloth. There were at least 20 soldiers. They put me in the basement bathroom, bound and blindfolded, and sat me on a bathroom stool.

Japan DARES To Snub Israel From Nagasaki Commemoration!

"The Jews say that the nuclear bombing of Japan was a very good thing!"

Jimmy Dore

The British Are Second Class Citizens In Their Own Country

"There is two tier policing!"

David Starkey

Orwellian Britain: Government Set To Ban Silent Prayer Outside Abortion Clinics

Wrongthink not allowed...

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson: As the crackdown on free speech accelerates, the Britiah government is set to ban people silently praying in their heads outside abortion clinics.

MPs voted for legislation last year that would ban silent prayer within ‘buffer zones’ 150 metres around the location of a clinic or hospital providing abortion services.

However, this has not come into force and guidance was subsequently published allowing silent prayer within ‘safe access zones’ where activists would be able to hand out leaflets and engage in conversations with women considering abortions.

The guidance stated that, “Silent prayer, being the engagement of the mind and thought in prayer towards God, is protected as an absolute right under the Human Rights Act 1998 and should not, on its own, be considered to be an offence under any circumstances.”

The issue shot to public attention in March 2023 when campaigner Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested by police for silently praying in front of a British Pregnancy Advisory Services clinic that was subject to a ‘buffer zone’ order.

Vaughan-Spruce’s arrest drew international condemnation and was denounced by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.

West Midlands Police later released her without charge and were forced to issue an apology after Vaughan-Spruce complained that she had been arrested for a “thought crime”.

The Beginning Of The End - Germany To Ban All New Ukraine Military Aid

Relations between Germany and Ukraine are "about to turn ugly"

By Tyler Durden: Three days ago, in the aftermath of the WSJ report seeking to radically shift the narrative over the Nordstream sabotage, where instead of the CIA being blamed for the explosion of the critical gas pipeline from Russia to Europe, unnamed "intelligence" sources forged on with a hilarious script according to which a top Ukraine general (operating initially under the instructions of Zelensky but then going rogue wen Z got "cold feet") was responsible for coordinating the sabotage using a handful of rank amateurs who somehow managed to sneak to the bottom of the Baltic sea and conduct an unprecedented military operation, we said that - no matter the laughable veracity of the report - relations between Germany and Ukraine are "about to turn ugly", and we asked why this story is coming out just now?

We didn't have long to wait to get the answer: as German media reports, this U-turn in the narrative (which according to some meant that NATO should now unleash its full military power against.... Ukraine, which had single-handedly attacked German assets by blowing up the Nordstream) was meant to soften the blow from Germany's decision to finally cut off Ukraine's - and Zelensky's - unprecedented grift.

According to a Saturday report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), the German government will stop new military aid to Ukraine as part of the ruling coalition's plan to reduce spending. The report, which cited non-public documents and emails as well as discussions with unnamed sources, goes on to note that the moratorium on new assistance - which is already in effect - will affect new requests for funding, not previously approved aid,