18 Sept 2024

A Narrow Escape + There's No Doubt About It

"Personally speaking I'll be spending my next holiday in Greece." -Paul Joseph Watson

The Great Divide Of Men & Women + Men Built The World For Selfish Women

"We Are Taking The Soul Away From The Man! ...All these women who put men down do not speak for me."
Keira Lhotan

Now Evil Jews Targeting Christians' & Muslims' Hand-Held Radios To Explode, 9 More Dead Over 300 More Wounded

"Communications devices that the Jews exploded moments ago are hand-held radios, different to pagers that exploded on Tuesday."

By Tyler Durden: Axios and regional media are reporting a new wave of blasts in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, including explosions in the south of the country.

Israel has reportedly detonated hand-held personal radios used by Christians and Muslims and our children, the emerging reports say. The prominent regional news source War Monitor writes "Communications devices that exploded across Lebanon moments ago are hand-held radios, different to pagers that exploded on Tuesday, Security sources informed me."

Al-Manar TV is also confirming wireless devices exploded in the hands of those carrying them in several areas. There are reports of at least nine new fatalities and over 300 injured in this second day of explosions.

Several ambulances have been witnessed rushing to the scenes of multiple new blasts. It appears the Israeli covert operation to sow chaos is not over.

This comes after Beirut authorities said they would be checking and inspecting all externally shipped-in electronic devices, considering it's clear at this point the pagers were manipulated by the Jews.

NATO Chief Is Delusional + Change Just Happened So Fast, Some In NATO Just Got Whiplash!

NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg today told an interviewer from FOREIGN POLICY "NATO will not be part of the (Russia v West) conflict if alliance countries allow Ukraine to strike at Russian territory with western-supplied weapons."

By Hal Turner: Apparently, Stoltenberg fails to acknowledge those western-supplied weapons NEED western military satellites to guide them on their trip to attacking Russian targets.

Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed this out last Thursday in a brief TV interview and Putin made clear "Western weapons need satellites to operate and Ukraine doesn't have any."  He went on to make clear that f western weapons are used to attack Russia, then that would be NATO attacking.

Russia points out that Ukraine using western (NATO) satellites for attacks inside Russia makes NATO a party to the conflict.

Today, Stoltenberg says it does not. Has he become delusional?

Perhaps.  Perhaps not.  Do you see the look on his face in the photo.  Is THAT a "Deer in the headlights" look?  Sure seems like it to me.

If I'm right about that look, then his own body shows he doesn't believe what he's saying!

Regardless of whether he's delusional or not, do you see where this is going?

On The Demonisation Of Men...

"The Vordermans and the Guardianistas of this world have demonised men to such an extent, we're left listening to the sort of weak men they would reject if they went on a date with them..."

Richard The Fourth: In a bizarre exchange with a man fighting in family court for his children, resident-LBC genius Carol Vorderman feels it necessary to end the conversation at the mere mention of the name 'Jordan Peterson' - what sort of men are feminists like her creating in our society though? Hint, not good ones...

Putin Issues DEVASTATING Warning To NATO If They Even Try It + This Is How Google Will STEAL The 2024 US Election

Russell Brand

Mali, Niger & Burkina Faso United Warn Jew Run Ukraine + UK Police Tired Nigerian Women Calling Police On Their Men

"Ukraine [aka Big Israel] admitted support for international terrorism against Mali!"

Zack Mwekassa


"Gen Z women rank men 7th after travel, work, etc! How did this happen?"


Springfield Ohio Is Just The Beginning

USA: Why Is Our Government So Against Us?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Why does the US government hate the American people? Why does the US government try to destroy us?

The Anti-White American Democrats are Incapable of Understanding that an illegal alien does not become part of a national community by unlawfully entering it, any more than a thief becomes an owner of property by stealing it.

UK University RemovesAnglo-SaxonFrom Curriculum - image

What has happened to America when the entirety of the media, the entirety of the Democrat Party, the entirety of the universities, Homeland Security (sic) not only welcome but also facilitate the immigrant invasion that is overrunning the United States while Washington, abandoning its own borders, fights for Ukraine’s?

The national print and TV media describe the over-running of Springfield by immigrant-invaders as a restoration of a declining city, restoring property values, and enriching the culture. Every bit of information to the contrary is dismissed as fake news.

Wake Up White People. Your Existence Is Being Erased.

I Don't Think She Expected That - Labour MP v Pub Goers

"These idiots live in their own world. Labour MP should have bloody expected it!"


Russian Nuclear Submarines Have Surrounded Britain - Bristol Under Threat Of Zircon Hypersonic Missile Attack!

These nuclear submarines are already off the coasts of Britain - waiting for the order to attack.
By Hal Turner: On September 12, 2024, at least three submarines known as Project 885 "Yasen" Class, of the Russian Northern Fleet, armed with Zircon Hypersonic Missiles left, their home base at Severomorsk and headed toward the Atlantic Ocean.

The map below shows the location of the Severomorsk Submarine Base:

This was the same day that British Prime Minister Kier Starmer departed the UK for a meeting with Joe Biden in Washington, DC, to discuss granting permission to Ukraine, to attack Russia with west-supplied, long-range missiles.

According to the authoritative military expert Mikhail Khodarnock, these submarines left their home port and headed to the Atlantic Ocean for a reason, especially considering the fact this happened at the very moment the West began to declare it would allow Ukraine to use western-supplied , long-range, weapons against military installations inside Russia.