14 Jun 2024

Another Person Fired For Criticizing Israel?!

"Our country [America] is being held hostage by Israel! ...The Jews want to ban Christianity!" -Candace Owens

Candace Owens: Briahna Joy Gray joins me to discuss her recent firing from The Hill and how the criticism of Israel seems to be the only true red line on a bipartisan basis nobody is allowed to cross.

Macron And His Trans Husband Gambled... And Lost

G7 leaders agree to rob their own citizens' taxes again and give another $50 billion to the Jewish Crook "Ukraine = Big Israel" Zelensky who banned Christianity in Ukraine and used most Christian men and boys as cannon fodder.

By Elwin de Groot: We still have one more day to go in the European session before the weekend, but the week in review is already showing to be one of quick decisions, where the bond market was ‘saved’ by the US inflation data and where Macron may have asked for a Papal blessing. But whether that turns out to be sufficient remains to be seen.

Macron has gambled... and lost? According to the latest polls, only 40% of Macron’s MPs would gather enough support to even qualify for a second round of run-off votes. In a surprise move, the French president announced elections last Sunday. Macron may have acted quickly after the results of the European Parliament elections in the hope that he could ride a fear-inspired wave of solidarity that could stop Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in its tracks. However, that move could backfire pretty badly.

Photo: Macron with his husband.
According to an Elabe/Les Echos survey, Macron’s approval rating fell to its lowest level in 5.5 years. Macron has made an appeal on voters and the more moderate political parties on both the left and the right to not succumb to the “fever of the extremes”,
but it remains to be seen whether his strategy will succeed.

'Grand Tour' Presenter Stands Ground After Calling Rows Of Pride Flags "Oppressive"

🇬🇧 Flags Are Interesting 🏳️‍🌈

Authored by Steve Watson: British TV presenter James May, most famous for being a part of motoring shows The Grand Tour and Top Gear with Jeremy Clarkson, is under fire for pointing out that the uniform rows and rows of Pride flags installed every year in central London look “oppressive.”

May made what was supposed to be a tongue in cheek comment on X, noting that while he has “observed and admired” the Pride movement for years, the recent displays are guilty of “Too Much Bunting,” which “may be seen as authoritarian, and therefore oppressive.”

May added, “Please remember that some terrible things, with which you would not wish to be allied, began with TMB. World War Two, for example.”

Counterfeit Titanium Found In Some Boeing And Airbus Jets

"The planes that included components made with the material were built between 2019 and 2023, among them some Boeing 737 Max..."

By Tyler Durden: Boeing is no longer the pride of American aviation. The plane manufacturer is riddled with so many problems it's impossible to keep track. Yesterday, the FAA announced an investigation (yet another...) into a 737 Max 8 jet that encountered a dangerous mid-flight 'Dutch roll' several weeks ago. Now, a report from the New York Times reveals that some Boeing jets are built with 'counterfeit titanium.' 

Some recently manufactured Boeing and Airbus jets have components made from titanium that was sold using fake documentation verifying the material's authenticity, according to a supplier for the plane makers, raising concerns about the structural integrity of those airliners.

The falsified documents are being investigated by Spirit AeroSystems, which supplies fuselages for Boeing and wings for Airbus, as well as the Federal Aviation Administration. The investigation comes after a parts supplier found small holes in the material from corrosion. -NYT

The report continued:

The planes that included components made with the material were built between 2019 and 2023, among them some Boeing 737 Max and 787 Dreamliner airliners as well as Airbus A220 jets, according to three people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. It is not clear how many of those planes are in service or which airlines own them.

S-500 Deployed Earlier Than Expected; Posture Now Consistent With Nuclear First-Strike

This posture is one that would be expected if Russia was planning a nuclear first-strike upon the West, and was readying to defend itself from the counter-strike.

By Hal Turner: Yesterday, this website and radio show reported that Russia had suddenly commenced nuclear launch exercises with their naval group off the coast of Florida.  What I chose to **not** report was that at the same time, Russia expanded its ongoing "Tactical nuclear weapons exercises" from the Southern Military District to also include the Leningrad Military District near St. Petersburg.

The unannounced missile drills off the coast of Florida was nerve-racking enough; but the added information about the expansion of tactical nuke drills to the area around St. Petersburg was just emotionally over the top.

TODAY things got exponentially worse.

Overnight, Russia deployed the second generation of its S-500 air defense systems . . .  around Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Russia's strategic nuclear missile silos.

“The Train Has Left The Station And No One Can Stop It”

'Russian forces should quickly take Kiev, install a new government agreeable to Ukraine as a neutral country and to the reunification of Donbas with Russia.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: These are the words of Serbia’s President Aleksander Vucic. He ought to know. He is in the middle of it. He thinks Europe will be at war with Russia in “not more than three or four months,” if that long.

President Vucic says “no one is attempting to stop the war. Nobody is speaking about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word.” https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/news-selections/world-news/president-of-serbia-we-will-have-world-war-within-3-to-4-months Scroll down to the 5 minute video.

Hungarian leader Viktor Orban has a similar view as does Slovakian president Robert Fico, who survived a recent assassination attempt.

In Western Europe, UK, and Washington everyone is talking about wider war with long range missiles used for attacks deep into Russia. Such attacks cannot revive the defeated Ukrainian military. Their purpose seems to be to provoke Russia into a retaliation that Washington can use to widen the war.

President Vucic is correct. The West is making no effort–indeed, is avoiding all effort–to defuse the dangerous situation. Instead, the West is throwing oil on fire with long range missile attacks and French troops sent into Ukraine.

Doug Casey On How The Climate Hysteria Is Lowering Your Standard Of Living

The lack of outrage from the average man is even more sick than the idea itself...

Authored by Doug Casey:

International Man: The carbon hysteria extends far beyond oil and gas companies.

One overlooked area is household appliances.

Politicians are implementing increasingly stringent regulations for dishwashers, washing machines, and other appliances. There have even been reports of a desire to phase out gas stoves.

What’s your take on all of this?

Doug Casey: As Der Schwabenklaus of the World Economic Forum boldly said some years ago, “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”

The fact that a prominent figure could actually say that, promote the idea, and not be pilloried gives you an idea of the spirit of the current century. The lack of outrage from the average man is even more sick than the idea itself.

Not owning appliances is a practical application of the meme, but just one tentacle of the global warming octopus. Appliances are constructed from resources that have to be mined and run with electricity; that makes them evil. It’s much more important in these people’s views to “save the planet”—a ridiculous concept—than to continue raising the standard of living.

The fact is that the self-righteous authoritarians who want to limit the use of appliances basically just hate people—especially middle-class people.

Russia Just SHOCKED The World With This Move And The U.S. Is In Real Trouble

Russell Brand: It’s Happening - Russia to begin Air and Naval exercises in the Caribbean in the coming weeks as more warships & aircrafts are heading to Cuba. Cuban Missiles Crisis vibes.

SMACKDOWN! Piers Morgan Tried To Ambush Me...

Candace Owens: I break down the top moments from my debate with Piers Morgan, the Southern Baptist Convention formally passes a resolution opposing IVF treatments, and I discuss the first interview on my new show dropping tomorrow.