11 Jul 2024

Modi's Trip To Moscow Was Much More Important Than Most Observers Realize

The most spectacular achievement from Modi’s trip to Russia wasn’t whatever they formally agreed to, but him and Putin informally agreeing to redouble their joint efforts to accelerate tri-multipolarity processes.

Authored by Andrew Korybko: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi just completed his first trip to Russia in half a decade and put an end to the several-year-long hiatus in annual meetings between their leaders. The outcome was nine agreements on a wide range of subjects along with a detailed joint statement for guiding their special and privileged strategic partnership to 2030. There were no landmark deals, but nor should any have been expected, since the meeting was only planned recently for the reasons that’ll now be explained.

Modi’s Trip To Moscow Was Meant To Assess The Reliability Of Russia’s Geopolitical Balancing Act” after his hosts sent eight signals since the start of the year hinting at an impending pro-Chinese pivot, which the reader can learn more about by reviewing the preceding hyperlinked analysis. The indisputable personal rapport between him and Putin during their two days together put an end to concerns about Russia preparing to privilege China over India and thus breathed new life into tri-multipolar processes.

Electric Car Deaths: Why Is No One Talking About This?

"EVs are death traps!" ...Humans are obviously expendable for globalist elites.

Piston Pundit: We delve into the critical safety concerns surrounding electric vehicles (EVs). From their silent operation to the effectiveness of safety features and automated driving systems, we uncover the realities and challenges of EV safety. Watch to learn more about what you need to know before considering an EV!

X User Notices Something About New UK Prime Minister No One Noticed

"How democracy has become a mask for a kind of obfuscated somehow vague new form of tyranny. This is an interesting example of how that works..."
Russell Brand: In Keir Starmer, Britain just elected a more authoritarian leader than ever before! Watch this uncovered footage of him during the scamdemic for clues.

Lancet Warns That The Jews Have Murdered Over 186,000 Christian & Muslim Men, Women, Children & Babies In Gaza

The Lancet, the prestigious peer-reviewed British medical journal, has warned that the true death toll in the Jews' Gaza genocide of indigenous Christians & Muslims is over 186,000 this year alone.

Read the Lancet report here about how much arse the Jews suck.

This staggering figure amounts to 8 percent of the population of Gaza. A similar percentage of the US population would be 26 million people.

It stands as an indictment of the United States and its imperialist allies, who have funded, armed and politically defended Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

The massive death toll has been made possible by the 14,000 2,000-pound bombs provided by the US to Israel, which it has used not only to massacre tens of thousands but also to destroy all aspects of civilization in Gaza, contributing to the deaths of tens of thousands through malnutrition, communicable diseases and lack of healthcare.

The official death toll since the onset of the Israeli attack, according to Gazan government sources, is 37,396. But The Lancet noted that this figure reflects neither the thousands of people buried under the rubble nor the countless deaths caused by the deliberate destruction of Gaza’s food distribution, healthcare and sanitation systems.

Anarchy In The UK

Anarchism [an·ar·chism] n. 
a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups -Merriam Webster

Authored by Joakim Book: The venerable British magazine The Economist has us worried in their May 11 issue titled “The New Economic Order.” Contemplating what seems to be the collapse of the global, liberal order—Francis Fukuyama’s End of History story, more or less—the leader article argues that “a worrying number of triggers could set off a descent into anarchy, where might is right and war is once again the resort of great powers.”

Later in the piece we’re told that once the precious conditions of the last three decades break, “it is unlikely to be replaced by new rules. Instead, world affairs will descend into their natural state of anarchy that favors banditry and violence.”

Adding to the unhelpful pile is Oxford English Dictionary, giving us a wholly misleading entry for anarchy:

“political or social disorder resulting from the absence or disregard of government or the rule of law.”

Granted, this is how most people think about anarchy.

Aaron Maté Stands Strong v Piers Morgan & Co's Hasbara

Sabby Sabs

Angelos Agathangelou: Their language can often tell you much about a people. For example, those who live near the north pole have many different words to describe different types of snow.

The Jews' language actually betrays who they really are, for example just like white racists used to employ the word 'Nigger', the Jews today have specific extremely derogatory words for all the people in the world who are not Jewish and you can hear the superiority complex and contempt dripping from their chosen words for example, 'Shiksa' and 'Goyim'.

Similarly the Jews are so steeped in lies that they have specific words for specific types of Jewish lies, for example Jewish lies designed to make Jews look good and simultaneously designed to make the people they wish to trample underfoot look bad, are known as 'hasbara'.

Britain Is Not A Democracy: How British Elites Installed PM Keir Starmer

"The labour party only won 34% of the vote, but got 65% of the seats in parliament, the lowest vote share in British history."

GER: The UK's new ultra zionist Prime Minister Keir Starmer is a pro-war, neoliberal Blairite who is closely linked to British intelligence and the US government. He was backed by big business interests after the corporate media destroyed popular left-wing, anti-imperialist Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. Ben Norton discusses how Britain is an oligarchy, not a democracy.

Finally Naledi Pandor Says The Forbidden About White Neo-Jews' Genocide Of Indigenous Brown Christians & Muslims!

We Love Africa: Dr Naledi Pandor Perspectives on the Israel-Palestine Conflict: The Question of Palestine

Russell Brand & I Are Going To Break The Internet

"This week the zionist media is trying to convince the public that I'm worse than a flat earther. I'm, you guessed it, a holohoax denier!"

Candace Owens: Violet Affleck, the daughter of Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner, goes viral for speaking to the LA County Board, George Clooney writes a New York Times Op-ed for Biden to step down, and Russell Brand & I are going to break the internet.

Pilot Testifies Evil Jew Bill Gates Is Spraying 'Air Vax' mRNA Gene Therapy On Humanity Via Chemtrails To Alter Our DNA

TPV: Bill Gates is spraying airborne mRNA on dense urban populations and rural areas with low vaccine uptake according to a commercial airlines pilot who has come forward to blow the whistle on chemtrails operations in North America and Europe.

As the globalist elite find it harder to convince humanity to submit to Covid mRNA shots and endless boosters, they are having to find deceitful new ways to force their mRNA on us.

According to pilots familiar with the scheme, the new airborne mRNA, known as Air Vax, is designed to deliver the vaccine right into people’s lungs, bypassing the need for injections – and the need for consent.

NATO Prepares For WW3 At Huge D.C. Summit, Ukraine AKA "Big Israel" Top Focus

"NATO's so super cool, until you realise NATO's first defensive move was to bomb the shit out of Yugoslavia including many civilian targets. They struck a media centre, civilian hospitals and bridges including one that was bombed as a civilian train passed over it."

Redacted: Ukraine has accussed Russia of striking a children's hospital in Kiev on Monday but Russia says that photos and videos "from Kiev clearly confirm the fact of destruction due to the fall of a Ukrainian air defense missile launched from an anti-aircraft missile system within the city." We have seen this many times from Ukraine since the conflict began in 2022 - almost too many times to count. Is this another excuse for NATO to give Ukraine at least $40 billion per year plus launch a new initiative to Trump-proof aid to Ukraine? It sure seems like it is.