31 May 2024

British Reporters Tear Into US Official Over Rafah Complicity With The Genocidal Jews After New Evidence

Janta Ka Reporter: Journalists particularly from the UK including one from the BBC tore into Vedant Patel on Thursday after it emerged that the bombs that killed more than 45 people and babies in Rafah over the last weekend in another of the genocidal Jews' airstrikes have been supplied by the US...

"NATO Is Cooking Up Something Big" And Russia Is Ready For All Out War With The West

"The ultra zionist Jew Antony Blinken is the real president of the USA right now and he's given his fellow ultra zionist Jew "Ukraine = Big Israel" Zelensky the green light to attack inside Russia with US weapons! The US is attacking Russia and World War 3 has started, thanks to the Jews!"
Redacted: A hot war with Russia is coming. NATO is cooking up something big right now. Russia is warning NATO that they are on to them. Putin just launched a massive attack against a NATO staging target in western Ukraine.

Whoopi Goldberg Tries To Humiliate Rand Paul But Gets DESTROYED On Her Own Show

Freedom Frontline: Tensions rise as Whoopi Goldberg and Rand Paul engage in a heated debate on gun control and the situation in Syria and Afghanistan. The video captures the intense exchange between the two personalities, highlighting their conflicting viewpoints and the strong arguments put forth by Rand Paul. Watch as Whoopi Goldberg attempts to humiliate Rand Paul but ends up getting destroyed on her own show.

Accountant Explains UK's HIDDEN 60% Income Tax Rate

Kiran Kaur: In this video, I will explain how you can unknowingly fall into a 60% tax bracket in the UK.

Scott Ritter: Russia’s Strategic Advances

"Ukraine is just one big giant con game, it's a money laundering machine and Zelensky is that vehicle through which all this happens. So, even though they're losing on the battlefield, Zelensky still enriches a whole bunch of very powerful people, including people in the US military and as long as that money is flowing, those people have a vested interest in keeping Zelensky in place."

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom

The Lamest Show On Earth - New World Next Week

Story #1: Tech Companies Agreed to AI ‘Kill Switch’ to Prevent Terminator-Style Risks https://archive.is/NU4WS

AI Seoul Summit: 4 Key Takeaways on AI Safety Standards and Regulations https://www.techrepublic.com/article/ai-seoul-summit-takeaways/

Policy Paper: Frontier AI Safety Commitments, AI Seoul Summit 2024 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/frontier-ai-safety-commitments-ai-seoul-summit-2024/frontier-ai-safety-commitments-ai-seoul-summit-2024

Interview 1877 – The Age of Neurowarfare with Stavroula Pabst https://corbettreport.com/the-age-of-neurowarfare/

Lawyer Says A Woman's Happiness Is More Important Than The Survival Of The Human Race?

"Feminism is literally destroying the human race!"

Ask An Older Man

Armageddon Is Closing In On Us

Lavrov’s speech indicates that after 20 years of rebuffs the Russian government is gradually realizing that their Western partnersare in fact determined enemies. Sooner or later Lavrov and Putin will comprehend that arrayed against Russia is Satanic Evil that cannot be negotiated with.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 32nd Assembly of the Council for Foreign and Defence Policy, Moscow, May 18, 2024

Sergey Lavrov: I am pleased to have the chance to once again take part in an Assembly of the Council for Foreign and Defence Policy (CFDP). I would like to ask the head of this esteemed body not to be surprised by me striving to attend each year. It is not a duty, but a pleasure to align our agendas, to share with you the direction our intellectual efforts are headed, and to get an update about the ideas that continually emerge within our expert community, the CFDP, in particular.

We are now at the starting point of another domestic political cycle following the presidential election. Our people have once again shown profound confidence in President Vladimir Putin and his policies, including foreign policy. Without a doubt, this fact puts our Ministry under significant obligations.