26 Sept 2024

A Disturbing Question

Paul Joseph Watson

ZOG: "Sounds Like Corruption": FCC Fast-Tracks "Soros Shortcut" Purchase Of 200+ Radio Stations

"There is almost no factual record on the item because there was almost no attempt to do a real public interest analysis..."

By Tyler Durden: The recent approval by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of billionaire activist George Soros' acquisition of more than 200 Audacy radio stations has ignited controversy.

According to the NY Post, the FCC adopted an order to approve Soros' purchase of more than 200 radio stations in 40 markets just weeks before the US election in November.

This development has prompted allegations from Republican FCC commissioners and lawmakers of straight up malarkey. According to the Post, this deal was pushed through with a partisan 3-2 vote just before the presidential election, potentially enhancing Soros' reach to over 165 million Americans during a critical time.

The deal, which saw Soros funnel $400 million into the bankrupt Audacy network, has raised concerns because it involves foreign capital that exceeds the typical FCC cap on foreign ownership of U.S. radio stations. This cap is ordinarily set at 25%, but Soros' proposal requests an exception, urging a swift process adjustment. Critics argue that this fast-tracking bypasses the usual national security checks that are standard for such significant transactions, suggesting an unprecedented move by the FCC.

Commissioner Brendan Carr slammed the move, criticizing the FCC for creating what he termed a "special Soros shortcut," to which Elon Musk replied "[S]ounds like corruption."

USA: This Is Terrifying! What Is Kamala Hiding? + Have You Heard Of 'Black Washing' - I Found Kamala’s Real Family

Candace Owens: The deep dive into Kamala's family history takes even more turns.

James Corbett On The Trans-Formation Of Humanity

via The Freedom Convo Podcast: James Corbett discusses cultural transhumanism, psychological transhumanism, technocratic transhumanism, vitalism, the bio/digital convergence, simulacra and simulations, hyperreality, the desert of the real, the Sentient World Simulation and much more with David Gardner of the Freedom Convo Podcast.

Russia Lowers Threshold Of Nuclear Weapons Use In Dramatic Warning Aimed At NATO

Described scenario of "a massive launch of aerospace attack" and "their crossing of our State border."

By Tyler Durden: At a moment the West - especially the US and UK - are still mulling whether to allow Ukraine forces to attack Russian territory using NATO-provided long-range missiles, President Vladimir Putin has just issued a hugely significant statement regarding his country's nuclear doctrine.

Putin on Wednesday very clearly lowered the threshold regarding Russian strategic forces' use of nukes. He in a televised address to Russia’s Security Council said nuclear doctrine has been effectively revised in light of the "emergence of new sources of military threats and risks for Russia and our allies." This is clearly in response to the latest series of escalated cross-border attacks from Ukraine deep into Russian territory. Some of these have threatened to hit Moscow.

He went on to describe that in the event Western powers assist another nation in a major attack on Russian soil, those same Western powers will also be held responsible. This can trigger Russian nuclear launch, according to the new doctrine. This lowers the bar for what can be considered an 'existential threat' against the Russian homeland and its population.

Putin laid out, according to a translation: "The updated version of the document proposes that aggression against Russia by any non-nuclear-weapon state, but with the participation or support of a nuclear-weapon state, should be considered as a joint attack on the Russian Federation."

ZOG: This Week The Most Momentous Decision Of Our Time Will Be Made

'We are very close to nuclear Armageddon. And insouciance rules while Zionist Jews take us to war and destruction.'

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: With the US government–State Department, Treasury, Homeland Security, and Justice (sic)–in the hands of Zionist Jews, only the Pentagon speaks for Americans. So far the Pentagon has refused to approve the firing of missiles into Russia.

Zelensky whose “democratic” credentials are shattered by him continuing in office without reelection after his term has expired, is coming to Washington this week to plead with the White House for missile strikes into Russia.

Will the Pentagon be present at the meeting? If so, has the officer ranks been so purged and depleted by wokeism that it cannot take a firm stand?

Putin has stated that missiles fired into Russia means the US and Europe are at war with Russia.

Are Americans aware that this momentous decision is being made this week, and if not, then the following week? The British Prime Minister has already agreed. The sole holdout is the Pentagon.

Likely, the impending Florida hurricane will divert the news from this momentous decision.

Why Do We Keep Blaming Everything But WOMEN? + Modern Age Of PERFORMANCE PARENTING And RELATIONSHIPS


South African President Gives Warning Live At UNSC: Punish Israel Or Let Us Handle That!

"Homes, hospitals, churches, mosques and schools lay destroyed by the Jews! The Jews have purpetrated more than half a century of apartheid against Palestinians."

We Love Africa: South African President Gives Warning Live at UNSC: Punish Israel or Let Us Handle That!